Christmas with the Severides

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Shelby pulled into the driveway of the Severide residence. She got out of her car and went up to the door and rang the doorbell. She was a little nervous to say the least. She was hoping this dinner would be the 1st of many Christmas dinners with Kelly and his family.

Shelby heard someone yell that they would get it. The door came open and she smiled. "Hey Kelly."

"Hey babe." he pulled her in for a kiss before they entered the house.

Benny was coming down the stairs. "Hey Mr. Severide."

"Hello Shelby. Glad you could join us today." He then headed towards the kitchen.

"So is it just Your dad, you and me?" Kelly never talked about any family other than his dad. So Shelby didn't know if his mom was around.

"I believe so. He hasn't mentioned that anyone else would be joining us." Kelly turned around and headed upstairs. Shelby followed behind him and they walked into his bedroom.

Kelly's dad didn't care if they were up here alone. Hell he didn't give a shit about anything Kelly did. "Kelly?"


Shelby sat down on his bed. "Can I ask you something and know I don't mean to bring up a sore subject?"

"Sure." Kelly came and sat down next to her.

"Where's your mom?" Shelby saw something flash through his eyes but it was gone as soon as it had appeared.

"I don't see her much. She lives out of state."

"Oh okay. I was just curious." Shelby dropped the subject getting the feeling Kelly didn't want to talk about it. They then heard the doorbell ring. "I guess someone else may be joining?"

"I don't know." Kelly got up and Shelby followed him out of his room and back downstairs. Kelly stopped half way down the stairs. "Mom?"

A women about Kelly's height turned around to look at her son. "Kelly baby. I've missed you." She opened up her arms.

Kelly went down and hugged his mom. "What are you doing here?"

Shelby staid closer to the top of stairs not wanting to intrude.

"I finally had some time off and I wanted to come see you. Plus your dad told me you had a girlfriend that you seemed pretty serious about." Kelly's mom looked up the stairs and locked eyes with Shelby.

Kelly looked up at his girlfriend and held out his hand. Shelby walked down the stairs and took Kelly's hand. "Mom this is Shelby. Shelby this is my mom Jennifer."

"Hello." Shelby stuck out her hand for a handshake but instead Kelly's mom took her in for a hug. Completely surprising Shelby. She paused for a second then hug her back. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too."

Benny clapped his hands to grab everyones attention. "Now that the introductions are done let's eat."

Every nodded in agreement. They went to the dining room and sat down to dinner. The conversation was not as easy flowing as what it was with her parents. The tension could definitely be felt in the room.

They had finished dinner and were sitting at the table talking. "So Kelly I did want to talk to you about something."

Any happiness that was in the dining room immediately faded. Kelly looked at his mother knowing this was coming. "I knew you didn't come to just see me or meet my girlfriend."

"I was thinking maybe for the summer and maybe senior year you could come live with me?" Kelly's eyes grew wide.

"Your kidding right?" Shelby could see the anger rising on Kelly's face. "Now you want to be my mother? Where were you when my best friend died a few months ago? Where were you when I was playing sports? Where were you when I had my first heartbreak?"


Kelly cut her off. "No mom. You don't get to decide when you want to be my mother." Kelly threw his napkin on the table and left the house slamming the door.

Shelby quickly apologizes and then gets up and follows Kelly outside. "Kelly?"

Kelly is standing in the driveway looking up at the sky. "How does she think she can just do this?"

"I don't know Kelly. Maybe she has a reason?" Shelby walked closer and stood next to Kelly.

"Oh i'm sure she does but then whatever that reason is will disappear and then she will ship me back here in less than a month."

"So she's done this before?" Kelly turned his head so they were face to face.

"Many times." Kelly then leaned against his car. Not wanting to go back inside. "Let's get out of here." Kelly opened his car door and got in his car.

Shelby walked over to the passengers side of his car and got in. Kelly pulled out of his driveway and started heading in whatever direction he wanted.

It was quiet for a while. Kelly not wanting to discuss his mother and how she treated him when he was a kid. "Can we just go to the cabin?"

"Sure babe. Let me just tell my parents something so they don't worry." Kelly nodded and Shelby sent her parents a text making something up so they wouldn't worry.

Shelby put her phone down and leaned her head against the window falling asleep on the drive.


Shelby felt someone one nudge her a little. She tried to ignore it.


Another nudge. "what??" She was not happy she had been woken up.

"I don't think you want to sleep in my car. You'll freeze." Shelby opened her eyes and looked out the window to see they had reached the cabin.

"Good point." They got out of Kelly's car and headed inside.

The door was barely closed before Kelly had pinned her against the door and started kissing her.

Kelly finally pulls away. Shelby looks into Kelly's eyes and asks "Do you want to talk about earlier?"

"Honestly no." Kelly went back to kissing her. Shelby jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Kelly then carried them to the bedroom and kicked the door shut with his foot.

They spent the night naked and wrapped up in each other's arms.

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