See Where The Wind Takes Us

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Kelly and Shelby were woken up when the bedroom door came open. "Are you two going to sleep all day?"

Shelby didn't even look to see who it is because she recognized the voice. She grabs a pillow and chucks it at Angie. "Go away Angie."

Angie ducks out of the way. "You missed!Come on you two. It's noon!" Shelby groans in response.

"You know she's not going to give up right?" Shelby snuggles up to Kelly's side.

"Shhh Kelly. Maybe if we ignore her, she'll go away."

"Hey! I'm standing right here you know." Angie then grabs the pillow Shelby threw at her just a second ago and threw it back at them.

"alright fine. We are getting up but you need to leave the room so we can."

Angie crossed her arms and started tapping her foot. "And why's that?" Angie must of looked around the floor and realized their clothes from last night were laying on the floor. "Oh god. Seriously you two?"

Shelby sits up and stares at her holding the sheet to her chest. "Oh don't act all innocent. I could hear you and Scott last night. And trust me that's something I didn't want to hear."

Angie went white as a ghost. She didn't know anyone could hear them. "Get up." Angie left the room and closed the door.

Kelly was snickering. "She's so embarrassed right now."

"Well that's what she gets for waking us up." Kelly and Shelby roll out of bed and grab a change of clothes from their bags and head downstairs. The house was still a mess.

Andy, Matt, Scott, Hallie, and Heather were helping throw trash into trash bags. Andy was the first to notice them. "Well look who finally decided to get up."

Shelby flips Andy off and heads to the kitchen to find some form of caffeine and aspirin. Angie was in the kitchen wiping down counter tops. Shelby grabs a pop out of the fridge and the aspirin that was on the counter.

"Some party last night huh?"

"Yeah you can say that and remind me not to do it again because our classmates can be such pigs." She was throwing away the cups from last night. She had this complete look of disgust on her face. 

Shelby laughs at Angie. "Alright." She takes a couple aspirin out of the bottle and washes them down with her pop. "So you and Scott together now?"

Angie started to blush. "We've actually been together for about a week now."

Shelby's mouth dropped open. "And why didn't you tell me?"

"We were just seeing where things went. We didn't want to ruin our friendship." Angie was wiping down a counter. "And what about you and Kelly?"

"We decided to give it a shot." Shelby had a goofy grin on her face.

"Good. You two were getting pretty depressing there with all the flirting and nothing happening." They both laugh.

Angie was throwing more trash away and Shelby was leaning against one of the counters. "So I was thinking we should all go somewhere together for spring break?"

Angie stopped what she was doing and looked at her best friend. "And what are a bunch of teenagers suppose to do on spring break?"

"I don't know. Miami was a lot of fun last year. They have events for high school kids. They try to deter them from sneaking into the party's where the college kids are."

Everyone else had come into the kitchen. "What about Miami?" Scott asked.

Angie did not look enthused about this idea at all. "Shelby wants us all to go for spring break."

Shelby was trying to contain her excitement. "Come on it could be loads of fun! I've lived there so I know where to go. What do you guys say?"

Everyone exchanged looks and they started to nod there heads in agreement. Shelby turns her attention back to Angie. "What do you say girl?"

Shelby starts giving her the puppy dog face. "Alright as long as you stop doing that face."

"Yay!" Shelby runs over and hugs Angie. "I'll start planning." Within an hour Shelby had already planned their spring break. Plane tickets bought, a house rented, and a couple cars that she found through her friends down there.

The trip was going to be perfect.


Over the next few weeks, Kelly and Shelby had started spending more and more time together. Shelby's dad even liked him. Which was great. Meant Kelly was allowed to come over whenever. He just couldn't stay the night.

Her dad had even invited Kelly to their family Christmas dinner. Which was a big deal in her family. Her dad never wanted anyone else there except her mom and her.

It was the evening of the Christmas dinner. Kelly was coming over to spend time with Shelby and her family. The next day she was going to Kelly's to spend it with his family.

Shelby heard the doorbell ring. She runs downstairs to open the door before her parents could. When she opens the door there stood Kelly Severide. She still gets butterflies every time she sees him.

"Hey babe." Shelby hugs Kelly and they kiss.

"Hey hun." Shelby steps aside to allow Kelly to enter the house. She then close the door.

"My parents are in the kitchen. Dinner is almost ready." Kelly followed her into the Kitchen. "Mom. Dad Kelly is here."

"Hey Kelly." Her mom was standing at the stove cooking something.

"Hello Mrs. Jensen."

Shelby's dad walks over to Kelly and stuck out his hand "Kelly."

Kelly took his hand and then they shook hands. "Mr. Jensen."

Her mom finished up dinner and they all sat down to eat. The conversation flowed through out dinner. It felt like Kelly fit right in. No awkwardness. Once dinner was over Kelly and Shelby went into the living room while her parents cleaned up the kitchen.

They were sitting on the couch together. Kelly was sitting up. Shelby was leaning against his side with her legs on the couch. One of his arms was draped over her shoulder. She was trying to find a movie for them to watch. Finally she stopped on Miracle on 34th St.

"I have something for you." 

Shelby sat up so she could turn and look at Kelly. "You do?"

Kelly pulled a box out his pocket. It wasn't a ring size box but Shelby knew it had jewelry in it. He opened it to reveal a gorgeous heart necklace with their birthstones.

Shelby's face lights up the moment she sees the necklace. "Oh Kelly. I love it."

"I'm glad."  Kelly removes it from the box. She lifts up her hair so he can help her put it on. Her fingers immediately start to trace the heart. "Thank you." She leans over and gives Kelly a kiss.

"You're welcome."

"I'll be right back." She runs upstairs to her room to grab Kelly's present. She comes back downstairs and hands Kelly the envelope.

Kelly opened the envelope and pulls out some tickets. It was hockey tickets for the Black Hawks. Kelly was all smiles. "Thank you hun."

"You're welcome." Shelby sits back down next to him. They share one more kiss before going back to their original positions and watching the movie.

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