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Kelly was back out in the waiting room with the rest of the group. Waiting to hear if Shelby was going to be alright. A nurse had come and told them she was being rushed to surgery for internal bleeding.

Kelly sat there feeling helpless and soon found himself falling asleep. Remembering a happier time with Shelby.


Kelly was sitting in his room working on some homework when there was a knock at his bedroom door.

"It's open." Kelly didn't look up from what he was doing as the person entered his room closing the door. The person then walked over and snaked there arms around Kelly's shoulders. Kelly breathed in the familiar warm vanilla scent of her perfume. "Hey babe."

"Hey hun." Shelby planted a kiss to Kelly's cheek. "Whatcha working on?"


"Well that sounds boring." Kelly snickered at her.

"Yeah well I have to get it done or I'll fail."

"Do you want some help?"

Kelly put down his pencil and turned to face his girlfriend. "Are you actually going to help or pretend help and then strip me of my clothes?" Kelly had this devilish grin on his face.

Shelby smacked his shoulder. "Kelly Severide how dare you? I would never do such a thing." She pretended to be hurt by his comment.

"Well that's what happened the last time. Remember?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Must be your other girlfriend."

"Oh that's right. It was." Shelby's jaw dropped and she hit Kelly in the shoulder again. He was laughing at her. "Babe I am kidding."

"You better be."

Kelly pulled her on too his lap. "You're the only girl for me."

"And you're the only guy for me." Shelby plants a kiss to Kelly's lips. "Alright but seriously let me help you. I'm a genius when it comes to math."

"Alright sounds good." Kelly couldn't help but smile at this girl. It was in this moment he realized that she maybe the one.

End Flashback/Dream

Kelly was woken up by Scott when Shelby's parents had arrived at the hospital. Scott just pointed and Kelly got up and walked over to them.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jensen." Shelbys parents turned their attention to Kelly.

"Kelly what happened? Why is Shelby here?" Her mother was panic with fear.

"It was her Ex. They got into a fight and he shoved her."

"Nick? No that boy was so sweet. He wouldn't hurt a fly."

Chris then walked over to Shelby's parents knowing Kelly was having a hard time. "It's true Mr and Mrs. Jensen. I was there when it happened."

"Chris are you being serious?"

"Unfortunately I am Mrs. Jensen."

Shelby's mother turned her attention to her husband. "That explains so much and why she was happy we were moving again. She's always hated moving until this last time."

"There is something you two should know." Both of Shelby's parents turned their attention back to Kelly. "Uh She was rushed into emergency surgery a few hours ago due to internal bleeding. We haven't gotten any updates since then."

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