prologue :

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Tensions in America and the rest of the world have been rising. And rising like never before, threats have been made about actions that may or may not be put in place. I was living a normal life before things started getting worse when I mean by worse I mean this year has been downgrading into layers upon layers of chaos. We started sending troops overseas to fight in a battle. America was tearing itself apart, so not only were we in a war with ourselves we were in a war with the rest of the world. Blood was being spilled, but the troops were overseas so how was it still happening... you asked, well people were just going and attacking each other. Like it was a scene from the purge... people were murdering people like that person's life had meant nothing. Nobody remembers what was the cause of the riots, but just that it was happening engulfing terror around us, buildings burning down with people inside them. People just are not caring anymore. And believe it or not, but it started as "peaceful" protesting but when the first American flag was burned it quickly changed, nobody was getting involved... because the police were too scared to do anything. And as I said nobody remembers the cause it seems like there just rioting. They were rioting without a purpose anymore. The tensions overseas are getting worse as well, this might as well be the last of Humankind...  

The End: The Start of War (original story)Where stories live. Discover now