Chapter 11:

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 It was now the first rain of the season, the first rain actually since the bombing back in March. This is weird, normally March, April, and May are the wettest months but that wasn't the case. In this case, it was dry and the driest year for that matter. Anyway today it was raining. Nobody was leaving today. We were all bundled up in our rain gear and stuff to keep us warm trying to get the cow killed and cooled so this afternoon we can most likely cut it and get it into the freezer. The tension was high today, everyone was on edge and tired for some reason. And because of this everyone stuck to their groups and when I mean groups I mean the people that they hang out with regularly.

Diablo, Curtis, and Skyler rangled up the cow and got it into a position that they could shoot it. Then after the cow was dead and skinned they got it hung upside down and started gutting it.

Hayden, Samson, Sammy, and Kayse were in the cooler trying to get plastic up so we won't get the shop dirty and the rest were getting ready to start cutting up the meats. We decided that we were going to make only steaks and ground beef because we don't need any fancy cuts for the rest of us.

Once we got the cow into the cooler we went inside to eat warm lunch which was different from our sandwiches. It was a stu. While we let the cow cool down. We ate lunch and it was more talkative than our dinners for months now. I think it was the fact that it was a group thing that we were going together. Normally we spend days doing our own thing but today we were going to do a thing that involves all of us. Well mostly all of us the kids can't do anything so we let them run around playing while us older kids do all the harder work.

And for a second I thought that the tension was gone. That was until after we ate lunch. That's when things started to go the opposite way of good. We went back out there to start and as I was going to the cooler getting ready to open it. Diablo and Skyler stood in front of the cooler.

"This is our food," said Diablo.

"We worked together on this," I said.

"We did most of the work, we found it, then we killed it and skinned it and gutted it." Said Diablo.

To be honest I couldn't tell you the rest of it. All I know is the next thing that happened is we were out in the front in the pouring rain. I had my back in the mud. Then I felt my head get hit. I think I was kicked but it seemed to be more like being hit by a truck. Then the next thing I knew was I was on top and Diablo was in the mud I was throwing punches left and right and Finally with a loud whistle everyone was stopped as if someone had hit the pause button. That's how still everybody was. Hayden was mad that she had to use the whistle to get our attention. The new guys stood behind her with a blank expression painted on their faces.

Curtis had both of the boys knocked out. And loaded in the back of the truck in the cage for the dogs. I was still trying to process everything. I tried standing up. I felt myself get dizzy. And watched myself fall onto the ground as if it was in slow motion.


I don't remember what happened after that... All I remember was waking up in the laundry room in a puddle of dried mud and my clothes still soaked from the rain. My head hurt. The only person in the room with me was Shawan. She didn't say anything, she just put a cold cloth on my forehead.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Out," She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Where?" I asked.

"Well some are in the shop cutting meat and the others are getting rid of Diablo and Skyler before they wake up," She said, I could tell she didn't want to say anything to me.

"Oh, why did they have to take them," I asked.

"I don't know," She said. They didn't tell me.

I just laid there because my head hurt, it hurt to think, speak, and even breathe.

"You have a concussion." She said "Skyler kicked you in the head pretty hard"

That explains why my head hurt bad. She was wrapping up doing some tests and when she was finished she said that I was free to go and clean up. Then she said that the others would be back soon.

Dear Diary,

Today all hell broke loose, and it's a week before the bomb goes off, every night I listen to the radio while I get ready for bed. So hopefully the group that is going to live in the bunker gets all their tension out because that shit aint gonna fly down here.

The rest of the group has been slowly moving their stuff in the bunker to not cause any more suspension to Briar, After today she's been through enough, the new guy's Dean, Luca, and Seth had there stuff moved in first, then it was Shawna and Rudy's stuff and the ultrasound stuff. Which seems to have taken up suspicions with Briar but we had assured her that nothing was going on. Then it was Jacob and Sammy, then Kayse, she had moved all of her stuff into the rooms.

Throughout the week Jacob and Dean have been working on the wiring for the barrier of the door and the shelter to let less radiation in the house. Luca and I have been working on getting the beds set up. Hayden and Briar have been looting and every night Hayden sneaks in some food from the stores that she has been looting. Kayse hasn't been helping, she most likely had been sleeping with Colton. But one-day water filters showed up on the water heads all over the house in all the sinks and the showers.

I have made sure to keep extra quiet this week because I have been wanting to save everyone but knowing that I can't have been hard on me... what the hell happened to me, like before when I just found out that I was going to be a dad, I didn't give a shit about anybody but myself and Hayden but knowing that I am going to be a father in February that's changed me. I have become nicer. That's not me, I'm a mean asshole. I can't be nice to people.

We are now rushing things for our bunker. Most of the factors in this are good, like I mean we choose as carefully as we could, but with this, there will be some flaws to our design. We aren't perfect at building but so far I'm not worried that the bomb will kill us. But I am worried that there could be a slight chance that it will. But I shouldn't get too worked up on that.

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