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Suicidal America

Dear Diary,

Today the bomb went off... I feel really bad about it. Not telling anyone there could have been more people in here. Anyway, we spent all of the night before looting the house and getting all the canned food out of the pantry and all of the meat from the freezer in the shop and the house. Well when I mean we I mean me, Jacob and Dean did that. While the rest of the older kids went to the stores and got all of the food items that they could get their hands on before the sun came up the next morning. And I tell you they were cutting it close. When they came home we had like three hours before sun up. We took that time to unload. Then as the sun came up I looked at the orange reflection on the tree one last time before closing and locking the door.

From the upstairs, we heard people waking up but mainly Briar becoming angry that all the stuff that she worked hard to get was gone. But the weird thing is normally you would go to the people who locked themselves in the bunker but no she blamed her shit on the Diablo. She thinks that Diablo and Skyler came back in the middle of the night and stole all her food then left without them knowing. Then after noticing all her inside food was gone she went outside into the shop... Well I think, I don't know I couldn't hear her anymore when she went outside. Anyway, she went outside to do something but then realized there was also nothing outside she came back inside and then she just sat in a chair. The rest of the people started waking up and then since nobody was hungry or something just walked out the door and went to do their tasks.

Anyway right before the bomb went off there was a shake in the ground that felt like an earthquake. And I think that's what Briar thought it was because she was yelling at everyone to get down and protect there head and neck. I did the same just in case the boom from the bomb broke something. But after the bomb hit there was dead silence. I mean nothing.

I think by the end of it Hayden had second thoughts because she was sitting on the bed crying and telling me how she had just let her best friend die out there and then saying that she never got the chance to forgive her for being an assmunch. And I tried to comfort her but she wouldn't let me touch her to even hug her or tell her that everything is going to be alright. So I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Everyone else was asleep because they had spent all night preparing for this day and they needed it. But I couldn't sleep. I felt like a monster.

Dear Diary,

It's officially been a month since the bomb went off, and so far so good. Kayse and Dean went outside today in the radiation suits to go to the store. They have to driveway out of the blast zone to test out something that Jacob had made. It was a thing where it tracks the radiation levels. And they were supposed to go out of the blast zone until the trackers were in the green because that means that the air is safe. But they were supposed to do that before dark. Just so we know how many days it will take to get to the green zone. If there is any. But mainly they need to go to a store if there are any still standing... Hopefully, there are still some, I need one to not be evaporated just one is that hard to ask. Anyway, Jacob and Sammy are digging out a place for Sammy to build a garden so we have some food that would be always growing. And Shawna and Seth are giving an ultrasound to Hayden. And the babies are happy and healthy. And I know that we seemed pretty set on Spencer and Django.

Anyway, today was the first day that Hayden and I have seen the outside... everything was gone and the house was barely standing. And as far as we knew there was nothing around us. We went through the house looking for any loot that we could find but there was none. We had gotten everything from the house the night before the bomb going off. And there was nothing. It's like everything just up and vanished. There weren't even skeletons where the bodies of our friends would have been. There was nothing. We got back into the bunker and that's when things started getting ugly. It turns out that in Hayden's suit there was a minor tear in the glove. So her hand was exposed to minor radiation. When she got out of the suit she rushed to the bathroom and you could hear her vomiting through the closed door. Then she got into the shower.

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