Chapter 4:

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  I spent my mornings as usual sitting on the front porch when Samson came out and sat with me.

At first, we sat in silence but then he said "thank you."

"Thank you for what?" I asked.

"Thank you for keeping Hayden calm yesterday." He said.

"It was nothing," I said "It was a struggle though"

"No it meant a lot, without you she would have done something to put herself in danger." He said.

"You're right, I guess she did keep begging me to go and find you." I said.

"Thanks for not going and finding me." he said.

"The only reason that I didn't go is that I knew that you wouldn't be gone long." I said "you two are stickier than glue."

"What did I miss yesterday when I was gone." He asked, totally ignoring my joke.

"Well yesterday Diablo and Skyler came home with two survivors last night." I said.

"I saw, I never caught their names." he stated.

"Shawna and Rudy Taylors." I said.

"Anything else." he nudged.

"Nothing else," I said. That was a lie, normally they came home laughing at each other but yesterday they just seemed quieter. They still were laughing but it was a different type of laugh. It seemed fake and planned which was kinda suspicious not even gonna lie about that. It made me feel weird. I like seeing them come home and having fun but they weren't that way.

"Hey Samson I think I'm going to turn the storm shelter under the house into a working living space for you and Hayden." I said.

"Why?" He asked, almost excited that he and his soon to be family will get a little bit more privacy.

"Well, I'm sure that when the baby comes that nobody would want to sit through it crying and keeping everybody awake at night." I explained killing his vibe.

"Oh." he said kinda bummed out."That hadn't crossed my mind yet, but thanks."

I went inside to go fix up some breakfast for everyone not saying anything else to Samson.

While breakfast was getting about done I started waking up everyone in the house to come to eat. Hayden was the last one to get up. This was odd, normally she is the first one awake. She had her arms crossed and was slouched down as if she wasn't comfortable in her skin anymore which was odd because she is the friend that's always been confident in herself. We ate our normal egg hash but this time we put chili on it as an extra source of protein

I said good morning and without looking me in the eye she said good morning back. Something was up and I didn't know what. I looked at Samson hoping to get some answers but he looked just as confused as I did. It wasn't surprising, he doesn't care about anybody but himself. And sometimes it comes apparent when it comes to Hayden. Their relationship as I had stated before is odd; they act like they don't like each other because their personalities are so similar to each other and the different parts about them are always at war.

While everyone was eating I was telling everyone what their tasks were today. I had to make the storm room into a house in nine months so I had our engineer Jacob help with the looting team today, and I also had to get some more medical supplies for pregnancies and I needed Augustus's help.

That conversation didn't go over so well when Jacob asked "why are we building a house for the two love birds."

"It's none of your business," Samson said "why can't you just do what she asked you to do without questions." Which you can tell that this whole situation is getting to him normally he's against women in a place of power or he just normally hates women in general.

The End: The Start of War (original story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora