Chapter 1:

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A/N: the bold Is a character named Samson's journal . 

They did it, Russia and America had finally pulled the plug. At first, it was sending our troops over to invade them, but then one day when my parents were watching the news. My dad came into my room and told me to grab a few changes of clothes and to get to the storm basement. I was the type of kid that did not ask many questions until the task was done. Even though I wanted to. But the way he sounded was scaring me. When the whole family was down in the cellar dad lit the lanterns, there were four cots for each of the family members. After everybody settled in I finally mustered up the courage to ask "dad, what's going on... why is the whole family in the storm room"

"The U.S. and Russia are bombing each other," he said.

"How many." my sister asked.

"About three a state, R-36 they could take out 10000 Kilometers." dad said.

"What are we sending." she asked again.

"LGM-30, nuclear weapon." dad said with his voice getting quieter.

"Is that what they are sending?" I asked.

"No, but they are going to do more damage than us. They're just going to have three radioactive spots." explained dad.

That conversation was engraved into my mind. That's when things in surviving America started to get fucked up, but then you take that type of fucked up and you give it a daily dose of cocaine. That's the type of fucked up it is.

I would like to know your opinion on the zombie apocalypse? I know cliche right? I mean you know the average story that there is a disease that went around and spread to humans and had this major break out. This wasn't quite the case. Once the bombing hit I guess not only the humans were taken out but the animals too The livestock population went down as well as wildlife, so people were starving and they weren't willing to loot the neighboring stores for food. Something about a moral compass I guess. So most of the surviving humans have resorted to cannibalism, and the neurons of the brain started killing off the others and the humans became dead, just dead. I mean they could still walk around but they couldn't do it well, they also didn't have a working brain anymore, but that said neurons became the new drug. Hypothetically if we could wean off a zombie they could die but we are not going to test my theory because that would be too much of a risk. Also mainly because all the scientists are most likely zombies or just died in the blasts.

Since then... I have been going to stores to get canned food even after my parent's death. One day while I was at the turner market getting snack foods I heard movement from the back counter. I raised my rifle and was ready to shoot at any cost, that's when I saw a completely normal human with blond hair and an edgy look to him.

"Please don't hurt me," he asked.

"I won't," I said, "At least not yet."

"Please," he said.

"What's your name," I asked.

"Hunter," he said "Hunter Diablo."

That conversation went by short, he and I trusted each other, and worked together I took him back to my place... and the rest was history.


When you live with a bunch of teens that each has their personality, you know which ones have your back and the other ones that are going to fuck you over. So far none of them want to fuck me over... Well, at least there are no signs of that yet.. I mean I gave them a living chance and I don't see why they would want to.

The End: The Start of War (original story)Where stories live. Discover now