Chapter 7:

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Dear Diary,

Sorry I haven't written in a few days... I think the last thing I wrote about was Hayden and Briar not being home early which freaked me out. The thing that love does to you I guess. Anyway, she came home at like 10:30 which is like an hour and a half after sundown and I started crying because when it's dark out in the city there are more zombies out. And the thing about zombies which has probably been stated a thousand times, but they are attracted to bright lights and they have a keen sense of smell, so they can pick up the smell of blood even if it's just pumping through your veins. So I was extremely freaked out. And that brought me to tears. I thought that she was out in the world dying and then I thought nobody cared. It seemed like nobody even knew that she was missing or that they didn't come home. I didn't even eat that night. I mean how could the love of my life was out there and I couldn't tell if they were safe or not.

Anyway, she eventually came home and walked in on my crying. This is how the conversation went.

"Hey baby." She said.

I looked up and she saw the tears on my face. "Hey." I said, forcing a smile.

"Baby what wrong?" She asked, walking up to me and crawling in my arms to hold me.

"I thought something happened to you and I guess my thoughts got ahead of me," I said.

"Nothing happened to me, the store took a little longer to loot, and then it was dark out so we had to drive with the headlights off and that means we have to drive slower and be more cautious than we normally would have to be because there are cars on the road and sharp curves when you make your way out of town." She explained.

"It takes a lot to kill me." she said with a slight giggle.

"Yeah." I said kissing her forehead.

"Tomorrow I want to show you the stuff we got at the store." she said.

"OOO I'm excited," I said "what store did you go to."

"BabiesRus." she said.

"So it's baby stuff I can't wait to see it." I said laying down in bed

"I can't wait to show you." she said, laying down beside me and cuddling to my back. Little spoon style.

"Hey baby, do you think that we would have dated when we were in school?" she asked

"No, I was a player," I said "I was going through something"

"Oh, what changed?" she asked

"The world came to an end," I said

I could feel her glaring at me "And you" I said to save my sorry ass from dying.

"I don't believe you were a player," she said

"Why?" I asked

"I don't know you don't seem like the type." She said.

"I was that type and you can't tell me why because you don't want to hurt my feelings, I don't think that you can tell me that I am ugly to my face." I said jokingly

"You are not ugly." she said.

"See you just don't want to hurt my feelings," I said.

"No if you were ugly you wouldn't have gotten girls." She said.

"See babe that's where you're wrong girls like funny boys." I said.

"But you're not that funny." she giggled.

"I am too," I said.

"Explain to me why funny guys get the girls," She asked

"Well see, when an ugly but funny guy can make a girl laugh, she closes her eyes and doesn't have to stare at his face," I said

"I could stare at your face all day." she said then she laughed and said "good night, love."

"Good." night I said back and we both fell asleep.


The next morning Briar made breakfast which was our normal hash and she made that for the rest of the week. I can't wait until we have something different for breakfast. I don't ever want to eat scrambled eggs and potatoes ever again. Anyway, the week went by as routine we worked on our Duties we got the bunker dug out to fit fifteen people. If we have two to a bedroom, so far we have a separate room for my child, and Hayden and I will share a room, with Kayse will get her room and Jacob will get his room. We dug downstairs which is a place where we are going to put the electrical stuff and the heating and cooling system. And we got all the walls and flooring done and started insulating it. Every day when Hayden and Briar come home the first thing that Hayden does is to come and "see" how the bunker is coming along which means she puts some of the supplies that she looted for us in the bunker. In our room where we have a spot specifically for the stuff we need.

Tomorrow Briar let us go looting for ourselves because we said we needed more baby stuff to decorate the nursery. Yes, we are going to be those parents because we want to be. It's not going to be the most decorative nursery but it's Mainly going to be more functional than pretty, because of our living situation.

Another thing that happened this week was we had our first ultrasound which we found out how many kids we are going to have which was shocking. I'm a dad of twins. In the room, I wanted to do a happy dance but I had to refrain from doing so from lack of space. We found this out 10 weeks into the pregnancy and in four more weeks, I'm going to see if I'm going to be a boy or a girl dad. A few weeks ago I was hoping to be a boy dad but now I don't care as long as there healthy especially since one of the twins has a weaker heart rate than the other one and might not make it through the birthing process. That day I was so excited that I couldn't focus on anything not going to lie. I might have accidentally screamed at the top of my lungs from the front porch that I was going to have twins, and now the whole group knows that Hayden and I are pregnant. Yeah... I got in trouble by Hayden for that stunt but it was worth it.

Anyway, after that the day went like normal, we ate dinner and went to bed.


Today we were going to loot just me and Hayden. I know a couple of goals right we are going to Babies R Us again to get some more baby clothes and then a hardware store to get some paint, then we are going to Sportsmen to get more survival gear and try to find gas masks. And not going to lie we also went to the adult shop and bought some "coupley things" which I know TMI right but who cares it's my private journal so I can write about whatever the fuck I want to write about. Anyway we got home at 11 pm and everyone was asleep and we ate dinner and went to "bed".

The end... 

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