Chapter 6:

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This morning was different. I woke up just the same but I heard voices in the kitchen by the deepness of the voice it was Diablo. I quickly got up to see what they were talking about but when I got out there and there was nobody awake."What the Hell" I said under my breath I mean I could have sworn that I heard someone out here talking. with that I turned around back into my room and laid back in bed next to Raylee. Her red dreadlocked hair covered her face. I would have described it as messy but dreadlocks are supposed to be messy. I don't even know how in the heck I heard voices when nobody was in the kitchen like how does that work. I guess your mind does play tricks on you.

I guess somewhere in the time I fell back asleep because I was woken up by Raylee shaking me awake told me that breakfast was ready. I had so many questions like who made breakfast? Why? And what's for breakfast? Like it was weird my schedule was all messed up, no I mean I don't even remember falling back asleep this was weird. Anyway, I got out of bed and went to the kitchen, and grabbed a plate.

I felt everyone staring at me like "OH My God she overslept how is this even possible, she the one that makes breakfast normally"

I'll have you know that it wasn't egg hash like we normally have. The person went and opened up our bread, and they made Bacon and Fried eggs. How dare they mix up the routine. this is unspeakable. Anyway since I didn't have time to prepare today's tasks to tell everyone I kinda just said "everyone it's time to do your normal tasks which means that you are going to do the stuff that you were doing yesterday...

"Jacob and Samson you are doing the shelter, Sammy, Raylee, and the garden people you are tending to the garden, Kasye and the rest of the lookout you're doing the lookout, and Hayden you're with me we're going back looting. Break" I said to the group

"What about Hunter and Skyler," asked Sammy "they didn't go out yesterday the kinda were just goof-in off yesterday helping wherever"

"They'll go out like they normally do," I said "everyone good now... Well get to work"

I made eye contact with Hunter... I don't know what I did to him, but I get the feeling that he doesn't like me.

Everyone kinda silently left the table and didn't say much. Samson looked like he might punch the wall but that face is looking kinda normal now.

"I'll be in the truck." said Hayden.

"I'll meet you there." I said.

As she was walking out to the truck. "maybe I was a little harsh on them?"

dear Diary,

Well, I have some more things to add to my pro and con list...



She's a looter so she could get us some supplies

she is the mother of my children

loyal (so if given the chance she most likely wouldn't leave me out for dead).


She has a short temper and could most likely kill everyone in this bunker if she wanted.

But it still all comes down to that she would still kill me herself like if it was to leave me out for dead or have her kill me it would most likely be her killing me.

My bad on choosing a mate I guess.



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