Chapter 9:

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 Everything has been getting real, and more real every day... right now the tension in our house is not great. I feel like any moment that I could breathe wrong and a war will break out. The whispering back and forth from Diablo and Skyler and the secret planning has gotten more frequent and more detailed. I don't know what they are planning to do but I know something is up I can feel it. It's like four eyes have been glued to my back and are watching my every move to see if I have weaknesses and it sucks I couldn't sleep. I stayed up all night. I mean I even went outside to look out to see if there was any danger and I just sat there on the porch doing nothing. Because nothing came. We picked a pretty secure spot to live. It's not in the city but it's not too far out from it and nothing comes this way because Zombies are more in city areas and are not in the city. Anyway, I guess time got ahead of me because I sat there until the sun came up and I felt heavy as I walked into the room. Started slaving away on the normal breakfast hash that I normally make. Everyone woke up on their own and the first persons to do so were Diablo and Skyler and they were the first to grab their plates and leave to go hunt. Then everyone else trickled into the kitchen and ate their breakfast. The next ones to go were Samson and Jacob who had to go to the hardware store for some more paint. And then Hayden and I were getting ready to find some police stations to loot. Maybe they will have some more Ammo and weapons. Ever since I said that I am going to buckle down on the relationship rule of not having any, Hayden has seemed distant almost like she wasn't my friend.

"Remember when we said we would be friends forever?" I asked.

"Yeah." she said.

"Are we still friends?" I asked.

"Yeah," She said, sounding unsure.

"Cool, " I said.

"You're just not my best friend." she said which kinda hurt.

"Who's your best friend?" I asked.

"Nobody... Were not allowed to have personal relationships remember." She reminded me.

"Oh." I said, hurting.

"You know what you are having boy or girl?" I asked.

"Not sure yet Shawna said we'd do the ultrasound tonight to see," she said.

"What are you hoping for," I asked.

"Honestly one of each but what do you care," she said

"Dude why are you mad at me?" I asked

"I'm not mad," She said.

"Did something happen with you and Samson?" I asked.

"No it's none of your business," She said "Just like it was none of my business with what happened with Diablo"

"It is because you're taking out your anger at someone who doesn't deserve it," I said.

"I don't forgive you for trying to forbid relationships and trying to end a relationship that already exists and is too late to end." She yelled at me.

"I did know that you were mad at me for that." I said.

She was done talking to me after that point she put her feet up on the dashboard and leaned her head on the window. We got to a local police station and we immediately went to storage and stock to find stuff. We found military rate stuff like radiation suits and guns and radios and other stuff like that. I went straight for the guns which were across the way.

So I have no idea what Hayden grabbed. She had a different bag than she normally does. It was bigger and was like a duffle bag but it was a really big duffle bag, but by the time we were done looting the station her bag was stuffed with supplies. And we drove away in silence.

The End: The Start of War (original story)Where stories live. Discover now