Chapter 2:

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A few minutes had gone by and then I heard the side door open and saw Samson walk out in a hurry to one of the trucks. Then with a few seconds of getting in there, I heard the Roaring engine of the truck and watched as he peeled out of the drive. Shortly after Samson left The sun had come up. That's when I knew that I had to start breakfast. Still wondering why something like that happened in the first place I went inside and made a huge batch of hash browns mixed with peppers, onions, and scrambled eggs.

I sat breakfast on the counter in a serving bowl, took a serving, and sat down at the wooden table in the dining room. Hayden was the first one who woke up. She silently took a serving and walked out onto the front porch. I followed her determined to get to the bottom of the situation that I knew nothing about and arose out of nowhere.

"What's going on." I asked her.

"Nothing," She said, "it's none of your business anyway."

"Well, I can't help you if you don't tell me." I said.

"I don't want your help." she said.

"Okay." I said as I started walking away.

"Wait..." she said making me stop dead in my tracks

"Where did Samson go?" she asked.

"I don't know he left shortly after I got up and said nothing." I said.

"Did something happen between you guys?" I asked.

"Yeah, well kinda," She said "I'm scared that it scared him off."

"Nothing you could do would scare him off." I assured her.

"Then where's he at." She asked.

"I mean I don't even know what happened so I don't know" I backtracked.

"We found out that we were pregnant last night, he seemed kinda overwhelmed and slept in the hall." she said. "I mean I didn't even get mad and there wasn't a big fight. He chose to sleep there."

"I think he was still feeling that way this morning so I guess that he's going to clear his head and will be back." I said trying to comfort her as best as I can.

"When is he coming back? Like I need him here. But he doesn't care about me I guess." she said, starting to tear up.

"He cares, just give him some time he'll come back around." I said, hugging her.

"I hope you're right." she said.

Hey kid,

Or kids never mind that. However many of you I have I will always love you. Right now I am sitting alone in a parking lot because I needed to clear my head. Right now your mother is mad at me... but I have never been great at relationships other than her. I have only had one serious relationship. She was a family friend so it just seemed right but it didn't last. It didn't work out.

I had already gone into the store and looted it. I went straight to the baby aisle. I hope when you're older you like blue cuz I picked out a lot of it. I also looked at a polaroid camera because I want to be a traditional family that has baby pictures and everything but with the scenario that we are living in, I don't think that can be possible.

Fact: 9 is the number of meals missed before Anarchy after a disaster.

You don't know how true that statement is... not gonna lie when the bombs hit everyone was terrified but after people started to starve, honestly I don't know how accurate that fact is but it seems to be legit. I mean all I know is that after the bombs people started to freak out... Then it became like the purge except people were killing others for food. Then somewhere along the lines, were zombies which were caused by eating human brains. I know the irony of that is kinda funny that the stuff zombies eat is the stuff that turned them in the first place. It's not like the movies where they are the undead. Dying wasn't what created the zombies, their hearts never stopped, it continued beating but the brain stopped working.

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