Chapter 15

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Joseph turns to George, "can you like summon things?"

"Yeah it's called accio." George replies, they were about to fight in the battle. Voldemort had showed up and people were already fighting. Joseph had pulled George off to the side, Fred had followed.

"Great. Than accio," he stresses the word, me an automatic rifle."

"A what now?" Fred asks.

"Just do it." Jospeh replies.

George mutters something under his breath, a few seconds later a gun comes flying at his head. He yelps, but catches it. It flies into his gut and he groans in pain.

Jospeh grins, he grabs the gun and kisses George. "I knew I chose the right twin." George's face flushes.

Fred snorts, "alright. You guys are disgusting, bye."

Joseph looks at George, "see you on the other side, soldier." He turns around and walks away, the gun hanging over his shoulder.

"What?" George mutters to himself, confused. He follows George.

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