Chapter 56

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I woke up with the TV on Netflix and cookie and chip bags all over the bed .So waddle out of bed and started cleaning up the room.I vacuumed , cleaned the windows, changed the bedding, mopped the bathroom, and did the laundry! I took off my comfy clothes and got in the shower for about 10 minutes just to clean off and then I went downstairs to get started on Dinner.I made Spaghetti and Meatballs with Salad.I ate then put the left overs in the fridge.I sat in the living room waiting on Taylor, Maya, and Melody to arrive.Then I heard the lock turn and they arrived.

Taylor : Hey beautiful

Maya:Hi Rayn

Melody : RAYYYNNNNN *Jumps on my lap*

Me:Hi baby *Kisses her cheek*

Taylor:*Kisses my forehead*

Me:Girls go wash up and get ready for dinner

Maya & Melody : Okay Rayn

Taylor : How was your day babe

Me:Great, Thanks to you *Kisses him*

Taylor :*Pecks at my bottom lip* Well I have great news!

Me:What's up baby

Taylor : Well, My boss who owns IHOP ..he got sick with Cancer ..he doesn't have any kids and he's divorced

Me:Uh huh

Taylor : He decided that he's going to make me own all his Ihop branches when he passes, and I got a advance on my salary.

Me:Babe that's perfect! *Hugs him*

Taylor : Yeah I know, after a few months we can pack up and move to Florida , You can drop out of school and be my housewife.

Me:Wait move out....Housewife....Drop out of school? ???? Nigga are you crazy? ? I'm A dancer and a Senior I'm not throwing my life away!

Taylor : Rayn baby Your pregnant, your senior life is over .

Me:*Sigh* What good I'm I going to be with out a college or high school diploma

Taylor : I'm going to take care of you Rayn as soon as you turn 20 were going to get married

Me:Taylor I don't want to drop of school

Taylor : Rayn baby its only for the better of you and the baby.

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