Chapter 66

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I had such a long night , boy is having a child hard.Me and Taylor took turns getting up because Teyanna was crying every 10 minutes. But we survived and Taylor left for work , leaving me and my sugercakes home alone but I decided to carry her out to the Beach and we were going to meet up with Chloé and Deanna.So I cleaned up putting on some shorts that stop mid thigh , a plain white top, with some plain brown and white flip flops.I put my hair in a neat bun then I cleaned up Teyanna and put on a Pink Plaid Ralph Lauren onsie and I brush her soft curly hair down and top it off with a cute baby headband.I took a selfie of us and put it on  the Gram.After getting me and Teyanna ready I got her diaper bag ready with Her formula , apple juice, Gerber Snacks, extra diapers , baby wipes, hand sanitizer, and finally a extra outfit just in case she gets her 1st one dirty.I put her in her Pram stroller and headed out to the beach that was just 3 blocks away!

We arrive and I set up our umbrella and beach towel and I brought a few toys for Teyanna to play with .We sit and enjoy the ocean breeze waiting on Chloé and Deanna when I saw Bianca in a Two pieces swim suit looking all thotty .I just prayed to God that nothing was going to pop off whiles I was with my daughter!



I laugh as the come up to us

Me:Hey yall

Deanna :*picks up Teyanna* Is this my niece she is beautiful

Chloé : Give me my Niece and Goddaughter *Takes Teyanna out Deanna ' s hands*

Deanna : *Rolls her eyes* Do you always have to be the center of attention

Chloé : Yess , didn't you know *chuckles *

We all bust out laughing

Deanna : Now what is this home girl got on her finger *Lifts up my  finger starring at my engagement ring*

Chloé : GET OUT *jaw dropped* He proposed? ???

Me:Yeah guys we're making it official

Chloé :*punches my arm*and you didn't put us on

Me:*Chuckles * It's just been so much going on I just....

Deanna : It's alright girl, but whose going to be your maid of Honor? ???

Chloé : Me of course

Me:Guysss don't put me through this *rolls eyes*

So me and the girls are chatting and having a great time playing with Teyanna , when Bianca approaches us.

Bianca : Hey Rayn, Is this your daughter

Chloé : Bitch I don't know why the hell your here but you should move before I drown your ass

Deanna : Yeah , I don't want your ass any where  near my niece, and from the stories we been hearing about you your future don't look to bright with us

Bianca : Look I just wanted to apologize , for fucking your man Rayn , I didn't know you were pregnant.

Deanna : Oh hell nah this bitch boutta get fucked up

Chloé : Hell fucking yeah, I been waiting to throw hands on this hoe! Rayn you go home and Take Teyanna withchu we got this!

I follow Chloé ' s instructions and I leave 

Besides I didn't have the energy to fight Bianca especially in front of my Newborn Daughter I mean she's just 1 day old she didn't even start walking yet .I just want to get home!

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