Chapter 59

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I storm off in to my car and drive home , I was crying like crazy and felt inside of me burning up with rage and anger .as soon as I got home I started throwing all Taylor's stuff out the door.I didn't care what it was i just wanted him out of my house.Maya and Melody are going to stay because they didn't do anything wrong.When I was finished throwing all his stuff out i just layed  on my bedroom floor and cried.I cried, I cried, I cried.Flashbacks went through my head from the first day i met Taylor, to the first time we slept with each other, when I first met Maya and Melody. Everything was just spinning around and around. And i didn't know what to do.I went in the bathroom and got out a bottle of ASPRIN........

Hey yall Comment your opinions , love ya'll muahhh. 

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