im bored so I gave Meijing voice lines like if he were in game

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Bye bye this is very cringy don't make fun of me I will cry

"Meijing. I want to be the strongest person in the world. There isn't much left to know about me, now leave me alone."

Good morning-
"Let me sleep more. I'm not ready to get up just yet..."

Good afternoon-
"What am I doing? Well obviously I'm training, DUH! Wh.. What do you mean I'm holding my nunchucks wrong? Ugh! You don't even use nunchucks how do you know- Actually no I don't want to listen to you anymore."

Good evening-
"Wow, it's already evening? Time sure does fly by. Hm? Oh, no, I don't need help getting home I know my way."

Good night-
"Hey... um.. So I know that I said I know my way home and stuff but it's too dark and I can't see anything. D-don't think I actually want to spend time with you, I just lost my way."

About Meijing-
"I like to read comic books. Half of the reason is because I can't read or spell well so I like looking at pictures. I tried to read one of Xingqiu's books once but it's just so.. so... So confusing! There are so many big words and just words in general, I hate it! You'd think he would make at least one book fit for his little brother but noooo he wants to make everything difficult, hmph."

About Meijing 2-
"Sometimes I like to imagine my future. What do I see when I imagine it? Let's see.. hm... I see me wearing a crown, everyone giving me presents and riches for defeating the biggest, baddest monster in Teyvat history, and most importantly Xingqiu is getting none of the attention. If I manage to become the strongest I can make my dreams a reality! But... Maybe not now, I'm kinda sleepy."

Chat: Comics-
"What am I reading? A comic. It's called, "Sailor Moon". Eh?! What do you mean it's for girls?? Shut up I read what I want!"

Chat: Training-
"My training is going well. I've learned a new technique with my nunchucks, wanna see? Hyah- oh no! Did I hit you?! Are you okay *whimper*?? Y-You're faking it? W-well I wasn't actually worried about you! I-I was just seeing if I left a mark to see how strong I was, yeah that's it.... But no more faking, ok?.. That wasn't funny."

Chat: Popularity-
"Because I'm Xingqiu's brother you'd think I would be popular as well, no? WRONG! Xingqiu gets ALL of the attention and it makes me so irritated! Why is he even popular in the first place, he doesn't do anything except reading. All of the merchants know who that dumb bookworm is, but none of them even heard of me even though I'm clearly better! What am I doing wrong??? I wanna be popular too! Maybe I just have to get stronger, yeah that's it!"

Chat: Fish-
"I like fish, not like as in eating them but they're nice to me. I like em so much I even got a hair clip of one, see? Fish don't get jealous, angry, sad, tired, or anything negative. Fish don't create massive fights about where other fish are from or what color other fish are. I think people should take some advice from the fish, don't you think?"

When it rains-
"Nooo! Rain go away you're ruining my outfit!"

When lightning strikes-
"HGHSRXOQJ!!! If cover my ears it's not scary.... Not scary.. It's just lightning, Meijing... You'll be fine."

When it snows-
"I do-dont need your j-jacket. Th-this is nothing, haha.... Actually second thought, g-give me that."

When the sun is out-
"Warm... So warm... This is the perfect spot for a photo. Hey, do you still have that camera? Take a picture of me next to that tree over there, we can show it to Xingqiu and show him that I'm the better looking sibling huhuhu."

When the wind is blowing-
"Hahaha! There goes all your paper work. Wait- oh no my comic books are also being blown away!"

"Seems like my best... wasn't enough.."

Fallen 2-
"I tried so hard..."

Fallen 3-
"Big brother... help me.."

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