10 | Triple Trouble

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"You guys have two options. You could either tell me where the girls are, or I could shoot you right here." The guys says as he pulls out a cigar. "Your call." He says as if it's nothing.

"I don't know where they are." Austin says and the girl, now fully dressed, hands the man a gun and leaves the room. "But I have a couple places I think they might be." Austin shrugs as the gun is lowered.

"Okay, fine. You take me there and we'll settle it." The man says taking another puff of the big cigar. "If you're bullshitting me, I'll shoot you both and fling you in the ocean." He says as if it isn't nothing.

As the man goes to take out his cigar and put it out Austin quickly presses something on his watch, purple.
"Shit!" Ariana exclaims as her legs slowly come back alive a little more. Zendaya on the other hand is just as bad, maybe even worst.

"Zee, we gotta hide. My bracelet is glowing purple, somebody's after us." She sighs as they both sit behind a tree. The truth is, they aren't far from the house and they need to be. "If I call my brother he'll be on some ninja shit." Ariana sighs. She takes off the angel bracelet and hit the second emergency button, Frankie.

She hits the button about six times so he doesn't confuse it as an accident. "In the mean time, we need to find a better spot." She groans.
Trevor was now wide awake as the clock displayed that it was after two am. He was scrolling through his instagram page. He probably spammed Zendaya's page with too many emojis, but the damage is already done. Thank god her page is private. The media already follows her every move on twitter, she's free on instagram.

His instagram stalking was cut short by a bang downstairs. He put his phone in the pocket of his jogging pants and walks down the stairs. Laura was still asleep.

He walked towards the door and looks at the alarming system, it's still displaying yesterday's date. That's never happened to them but it's not new to him. "Fuck." He groans out. He grabs his phone and makes a quick phone call that'll make sure he's secure.
Thankfully, Ariana and Zendaya were able to be in peace. Zendaya managed to push herself to walk on her own feet again and Ariana came up with a plan. She quickly ditched her typical ponytail and threw the ponytail holder onto the ground. She took her shoes off and looked at Zendaya.

"If we're gonna be in Miami, we gotta look like we're in Miami." She shrugs. "It's people far ahead, we gotta find a party to get lost in." She says letting Zendaya's hair down.

"Let's go have fun." Zendaya says as her energy slowly gets restored. She doesn't forget to remind Ariana to not give Austin a heart attack. She made her bracket blue to signal they're getting help.
Nate couldn't help but feel relived once he seen the small blue screen on his watched, the girls were getting help. The only thing wrong is the fact that they were now at risk of being murdered.

"Austin, where did you take Ariana on your honeymoon?" Nate asks obviously faking. Lon, still with a cigar in his mouth, looks a little interesting in hearing this. Austin was quick to catch on put played it cool.

"Why would you need to know that now?" Austin asks faking a sigh of disbelief. "We're kinda in a fucked situation here." He adds on trying to keep the flow.

"I want to know for my girl," Nate asks still trying to sound believable, even if it means being sarcastic. "I'm asking cause you said that's her safe place, she likes to chill there. She might be there." Nate says effortlessly, Austin better be glad he has an awesome friend.

"Damn you selling out so easy." Austin says walking up to Nate in a fighting stance.

 "Shit, that ain't my girl." Nate replies with a little laugh. That earns them a little chuckle from Lonnie. "Gentleman, where is this honeymoon place?" He asks burning out his second cigar.


I'm saying this is officially the worst chapter in the book, sorry guys. I needed to provide relevant details but it doesn't flow... sorry

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