09 | Girls

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"Who the fuck are you?" Nate exclaims, the annoyance clear in his voice. "I have three long ass meetings tomorrow so cut the shit. You getting revenge, baby mama? Just get to it." He sighs as he turns the protection mode off the gun.

"Now, now, what do you get if you shoot me?" She asks walking a little closer, her heels clear as night as she does. 

"A sociopath off the streets." He says pointing the gun off her. 

"I'm not threatened." She says laughing.

The thing about Nate is, he doesn't play when it comes to this job. He pulls the trigger and it misses her face about half an inch. "Still not threatened?" He says mockingly. 

She stumbles back a bit. "Fine, if you wanna play that way." She mumbles out clearly angry. Austin now takes out his gun preparing for her next move.

What she does is a little unexpected. All she does is scream, a very high pitch scream at that. It takes a few moments before either boy realizes what's going on, she's playing the victim. A siren is being heard and before you know it two cops are out their cars and pointing guns at Nate and Austin.

"Put your guns down!" They shout and Nate sighs, 

"Y'all put the guns down!" He shouts over the siren. The cop rolls his eyes. 

"Turn the damn siren off before  you attract random citizens." Austin says clearly annoyed at the bright lights. 

"And who the fuck are you talking to?" The other cop asks. 

"Gary, he's actually right." The cop says sighing out.

"Look, we're both capable of doing the same thing. So how about this, you guys talk from where you are and we'll do the same." He says calmly. 

Austin looks back at the girls in backseat to see their both still unconscious. "Whatever." He mumbles.

"Ma'am, what happened?" Officer Gary asks as he walks over to the woman. "I was half asleep," She starts as she points to her lack of clothing. All she was wearing was a lingerie set, a robe, and heels.

 "Who sleeps in heels?" Nate asks cutting her off. Austin nudges Nate, "Just let her lie, I have a plan." He whispers.

Austin grits his teeth when he thinks of it, it's gonna be harsh. He walks over to his trunk when the two cops are occupied with the woman's story and takes out a dog collar. The collar isn't used on training dogs because it's too harsh, it's only used on dogs who attack citizens. But nonetheless he takes the collar out and put it on Ariana's leg. "I hope this works." He mumbles to himself.

"Where is your partner?" Officer Gary suddenly asks. Nate was quick to reply, "Taking a piss behind the beach house." He says motioning to the abandoned house.

Austin bits his lips as he cuts the collar on. The collar makes him flinch and he's not wearing it. He puts it on a higher level before getting out the car. Hopefully she'll wake up.

He quickly comes back out to stand next to Nate. Nate nods signaling everything is cool.

"Officers, officers, what's the problem?" A voice comes out of nowhere startling everyone on the scene. 

"Who are you?" The calm officer asks. 

"I'm Lonnie Sawyer, this is my beautiful wife, and these are my cousins." He says pointing to everyone.

"What's he doing?" Nate asks lowly. "I don't know but he's getting the cops off our ass." Austin replies.

"Your cousins?" Officer Gary asks suspiciously. 

"Yeah, they're cops from down in Utah. Our uncle died and we're very distant relatives so Layla here probably got frightened." He says calmly. A little too calm for a person with four guns aiming at him.

"Does this sound right ma'am?" Officer Gary asks, she nods.

 "Yeah, I think it's coming to me now." She says covering her body with her robe. "Sorry for the misunderstanding officers." She says softly.

Nate doesn't put his gun away until the cops aren't in distance anymore. Everything was silent until a slap filled the sound of the dark night. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He asks the girl after he slapped her. 

"Lon, I could explain. It's Cod-" She was cut off by him.

 "So, you're still fucking him?" He asks with a look of disbelief.

 "No, no I'm not!" She cries out.

"Gentleman, looks like its gonna be a long night." He says as his Russian accent is present.

"Wait, where are the girls?" Nate asks lowly. Austin doesn't reply but he scratches his ear, which is a signal Nate could understand. They're very much conscious now.

Question's of the chapter

-Why isn't Austin & Ariana dating yet?
(They're being stupid ;)

-(random) Favorite song at the moment ?
("Jealous" by Nick Jonas)

Author's Note

I know it's been a while since I updated but I actually didn't know how to start off this chapter. Sorry for it being short, I had to save the rest for the next chapter because trust me it'll be longer. Also thanks for 7.7k reads it means a lot. Thanks !!

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