08 | Ameezy

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Austin knew something was off immediately after four pm passed. Ariana told him she was eating with Zendaya, told him they'll be done in about an hour or hour in a half, and told him she needed help once lunch was over it. Ariana never texted to confirm anything, that wasn't like her. Especially since they were practically dating already, they always checked in with each other. Sometimes it's out of habit, they are partners after all.

He didn't wanna track her down immediately because if she was fine he'll be abusing her privacy, key word, if.

That is why he spent til midnight watching a  pattern with where she is. He didn't immediately run to her location because it could've been a trap and he heavily needed backup.

"Nathan, I need you to meet me at my house. We got a case on our hands."

"I'll be there in five, load all the fire you own." He says and hangs up roughly.

They were currently using Austin's computer before his connection was blocked completely.

"Son of a bitch!" He groans out. Nathan sighs and taps his watch. "

Ariana wears her gear everywhere right?" Nathan asks as the idea popped into his head. "You've been tracking her phone which has probably been confiscated by now." Nathan states. "Check her watch." He says. 

"She's not wearing it. I watched her snapchat story from when they were at lunch." He sighs but memories of last night come into his head. They walked along the beach last night and she was wearing her ankle bracelet, she got it customized so it won't look detectable.

"She has an ankle bracelet!" Austin exclaims and does some heavy typing before he pulls up the information. "Found her." He says from the driver seat.

 "And it looks like company has found us." Nathan says noticing the black car behind them. "Drive!" He shouts and pulls out his gun.

The car behind them was the first to shoot, thank god for bullet proof windows. He hurried and put on his mask before shooting out the passenger side. "Faster Austin!" He shouts before continuing to shoot out the tires of the car behind them. He needed to come up with a better plan immediately. 

"You still hold on to that ugly knife I gave you?" Nathan sighs out. "In the glove compartment." He says swerving. Nathan took the knife and the old bow he had in the backseat and shot it throw the window of the car behind him. The front glass completely shattered. Austin took a quick glance out the rearview mirror and his eyes widened. 

"Damn Nate!" He exclaims.

He still shot the tires just to make sure before he got back into the passenger's seat. "Here we come Miami.". He mumbles as he takes the mask off and puts his shades on.
"Damn it, Zach!" Cody exclaims as he clenches the phone. "How badly are you injured?" He sighs out. 

 "Mung has a knife in chest," he starts before crying out in pain. "My legs are stuck in the car." He says. "I'm sending Ryan to you." He says before hanging out.

It'll take forty minutes for Ryan to get to them. It'll take Cody seven, talk about priorities. He was on his way to steak out at Trevor's house and wait on Victor. Trevor was a little worried. It's almost one am and he hadn't heard anything  from Zendaya. He assumed she was at Ariana's house. That was the last time he heard from her. He got done with his meetings around four pm and worked something out with Laura's grandmother, her mother was nowhere to be seen. Trevor made sure he remembers that for full custody in court. They made it home at approximately six pm.

Laura was fast asleep in her room in Trevor and Zendaya's home. Trevor, on the other hand, couldn't quite fall asleep. Something didn't feel right. "She always checks in." He says sighing. He couldn't fall asleep so he spent his time looking up at the painted ceiling. Zendaya had pick the color out and he was a sucker for anything she liked.
The whole situation was frustrating because as Nathan and Austin entered Miami, Victor left, meaning, no one was back in Boca to save Trevor.

Austin got hyped once he arrived at the place Ariana's bracelet told him. It looked like an abandoned beach house. Nathan immediately put his face mask back on and held his gun low. It seemed a little too quiet.

Austin took cover as Nate shot off the lock. They both awaited for someone to come out and no one did. They looked around for a couple minutes before Nate went inside the beach house while Austin listened out. He wondered if calling one more guy for backup would've been smart, probably.

He felt his wrist vibrate and he looked down at his watch, it showed the green circle he had been looking for, Nate got the girls. He sighed out of relief and ran inside the home.

He threw Ariana onto his shoulder while Nate carried Zee. They both moved quickly to put the unconscious girls into the backseat of Austin's car. Everything was almost done smoothly before some heels startled both of them.

"Now boys, why would you wanna go and ruin all my fun?"

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