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As it turns out Austin and his race car speeding skills was able to get Ariana in the hospital in enough time for the doctor's to quickly get to work.

The whole situation on the outside was beyond confusing for the medical team. A young woman in dirty clothes shot and unconscious with bruises on her neck and a young man shirtless and bloody.

If they didn't have proof it could've resembled domestic violence but with what's going in Boca at the moment and Austin still having his badge through all the chaotic stuff he was proven innocent. He would've been proven innocent anyway once Ariana awoke and told the officials what happened.

Austin was wearing a hospital shirt as he got stitches. Throughout all the commotion he ended up tearing some skin on his leg and was pumping too much adrenaline to even acknowledge it.

The nurses were trying to be reassuring but they honestly didn't know if Ariana could handle such an incident. She was already small and her arms are a weak spot for her to get wounded. But Austin and Frankie both knew she was a very strong girl. She'll be able to fight this.

The shoot off/ blood bath was ended shortly after Austin left to go to the hospital. The helicopters were able to take out the rest of Cody's men. Some died and some will be in jail until they did.

Unfortunately they lost a few people on their side but they died fighting for the safety of Boca and the people there.

The whole department will be planning a ceremony to honor the souls that were lost too early.

"So much for no one getting hurt." was Ariana's first words to Austin and all he could reply with was a very heartfelt long awaited kiss. The nurses got the memo and left quickly.

"I can't lose you." Austin whispered.

"I'm here." She replied, her voice laced with exhaustion.
Zendaya was very jumpy at first. She kept asking the nurses questions and questioning the doctor's every move but they didn't get annoyed.

They understood that this girl loves this man with all her heart. She got a little better when Angie came to visit with Chris and Lola. Chris, being cool with a few police officers, didn't stay in handcuffs long.

Chris ended up having to get stitches in the back of his head, arm and his leg. They were being her little support team. Nate and Austin came to bring her food when they came to see Trevor.

Austin, who delivered the news that Ariana would be okay just patted her shoulder softly. "You know Trevor would fight with all his might to see you and Laura. He's gonna be okay."


Zendaya straightened her back up from the sound of the voice. She knew that voice very well.

"Hey Laura, how did you get here?" She asks, picking Laura up in the process.

"Grandma down there!" She's says, pointing down the hall at Trevor's grandma. "She was walking too slow." She musters out through a fit of giggles.

Once Trevor's grandmother made it to them she spoke. "Sorry about that, you know she's a busy body." Zendaya offers a small smile.

"Yeah, I know very well." She says, referring to the many times of chasing Laura around the house for having too much candy in her.

"How's he looking?" She asks, the others stayed on the outside benches as they walked in to actually see Trevor, for privacy.

"He's breathing fine now, they are trying to simulate his nerves now." Zee replies softly. "He's showing little signs of nerve damage, but they can't diagnose anything without the proper test." She replies, her grip tight on Laura.

"What about you?" Trevor's grandma starts, "How are you feeling?" She asks, taking Laura out of her arms and onto the guess chair instead.

"I'm feelin-"


Zendaya loses her thought and looks over to the hospital bed, and sure enough Trevor's eyes were open.

"Oh my god, baby!" She exclaims, tears of joy seeping through her eyes. "You're awake! Thank god." She hugs his frame very softly and hits the nurse button.

"Hey daddy." Laura says smiling, showing off her gummy smile.

"Hey baby!" He exclaims, ignoring the stinging in his lower body. Laura just giggles and starts babbling on about her day.

"You paged- Oh good, you're awake Mr. Jackson." The nurse says entering the name, nobody missed the shock in her eyes.

"It's nice to see you up bro." Chris says when Trevor ends his conversation with Laura.

"I got an album to drop, I can't be dying on the world just yet." He says, making the doctor chuckle a little.

"No album dropping until you're able to walk on your own Mr. Jackson." She teases.

Zendaya looked around at her friends, all wearing bandages of all types, including herself, but she was blessed. They were all alive.

This has to be the end.


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