11 | Shades of Blue

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[rewritten/terrible bc i was done before it got deleted]

Trevor was done playing nice at this point, he was getting extremely frustrated. He dropped this lifestyle off long ago because he never wanted it to come to this, he never wanted to be responsible for unapologetic situations. He'll never forgive himself if Laura or Zendaya got involved in the shit he use to do. Little did he know that it was too late for both of them.

He walked over to Laura's painted green and purple room and opened the door. He softly grabbed one of her bags and packed emergency things. Change of clothes, pull-ups, and her stuffed animal, Zoe.

He softly grabbed her tiny body and carried her down the stairs. He had to sat her down on the couch as he grabbed her coat and car seat. He went to open the side door and was taken back by Angie, Chris' girlfriend. "No time to explain." She said and took Laura from his hands. "I'm not letting you do this alone." Chris says walking past and grabs the car seat for Angie to put Laura in. "Remember what I said." Chris says to Angie and softly kisses her head. She nods and gets into the car.

After the girls were out of sight Trevor locked the side door and closed the curtains.

"You know who it is?' Chris asks but was cut short when the sound a wire was heard throughout the house. A few things fell but the blue picture frame is what caught his eye, it was a simple gesture from a fan and he hung it up on his wall as promised. But this shade of blue reminded him of the shade of blue the car in his driveway had been, then it clicked.

This was all Cody's plan.

Although Ariana, Zendaya, Austin, Nate, Chris, and Angie all knew who Cody was none of them was once as close as he and Trevor was. Trevor sighed out in frustration, he could've prevented all this shit from happening.

It all started when Trevor realized Cody was the one always wanting to be in charge and it almost killed him every time. They'll be out in groups and the person who formed a great plan would be either murdered or almost murdered because Cody couldn't follow directions. They'll explain why he has a bunch of men working for him now instead of him working for someone else, but he's still just as bad.

Trevor met Cody five years in February, they became partners by the end of March, and by July Trevor grew extremely tired of him. He'll complain, he'll shoot at anything, and overall he was just a punk in a tall body. Trevor started to think that maybe he'll end up like that so he called it quits.

Of course it's not that simple.

People started spreading rumors that Trevor switched up on people, that they were in a secret relationship, and in general it got worst. It got way worse when Cody found Bella. He found someone to hold his dumb self down and she didn't listen to anyone. Girls would warn her that he'll be seen with other girls (not even out of jealousy, out of "girl I'm trying to help your dumb ass") but she wasn't hearing it. It got a little more worse when Trevor found out that Zendaya was friends with the blonde, but that friendship didn't last. Bella was quick to select sides. She'll make stupid comments about Trevor that could've just stayed in her stupid throat.

Long story short, Cody's keyword back in the day was simply the word/color "Blue". It was a reference to his eye color, plus he'll always claim that he was the future. When the two were partners and they had to go after people he'll always write blue next to their name when they were a target. He'll underline it once they completed the target. So the blue car in the driveway had to be a warning and the power line he just cut means it'll be completed soon.

"Shit." Trevor mumbled. "We gotta load up and leave." Trevor said as he grabbed the gun from on top of the refrigerator and took it off safety mode.

"It's Cody." Trevor finally says to answer Chris' question.
Zendaya and Ariana were content when they felt a hand on each of their shoulder, it was Frankie. Ariana was leading him all the way to this point but they needed a way to leave without being followed. It was extremely hard to see if you were being watched in party, especially if it was in Miami.

Frankie hurriedly and put his shades on Zendaya and Ariana took his hat off, "If we're being followed then the good news is that I got my brakes fixed." He says half hearty.

"Not the time Frankie." Ariana says and walks as fast as her little legs allows her too. Zendaya may have grabbed a shot from a random server lady but who really cares, if your life kept being at risk you would need a drink too.

As all three of them hurried into the car they heard a huge sound a lot of cheers behind them. They couldn't tell if it was a gunshot or a firework but all Frankie knows is that he was gonna drive and he was gonna drive fast.

"Boca, here we come!"

Austin and Nate on the other hand were almost in Boca and neither of them haven't come up with a plan. Once they get to Boca they didn't know where they were gonna take the man, Austin and Ariana weren't even dating yet so they don't have a honeymoon spot. Austin thought for awhile.

"Most likely she has contacted the police already," Austin says in the quite car. Nate looks at him curiously but Austin nods, he has this. "but if I know my girl well she'll stop by her brother's house." Austin shrugs.

"That's not too far?" Nate questioned, he knew what was going on. Austin is leading him to the root of the training camp. You have a lot of women and men here that are almost ready and freshly trained.

They're gonna kick this Russian's ass.

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