short story

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Dean sits down, looking all carefree. Sitting beside him was Timothy, who is holding his tablet. He can take it anywhere. Sometimes Dean wonders where the spectacled guy keeps it, or how Timothy seems pulls out it of nowhere, everytime.

"Ah, I remembered something," Dean said. Timothy looks at him.

"What is it? Also, where's Jake?" he asked.

Dean shrugs, "Don't know, don't care," Timothy grins sheepishly, "Right.. So what did you remember?" he asks.

"Oh yeah. So earlier, I saw Jake holding a photo of someone very hideous and flat," Dean explains. Timothy slowly nodded, curious on who the person on the photo might be.

The door was bursted open, Jake suddenly entered the room. He looked at Dean, crocodile tears threatening to fall. Sniffling, he yelled.

'Ah, he was eavesdropping all along..' Timothy thinks, but still startled from his entrance.

"Dean! I was holding a mirror!" exclaimed Jake, his tears, which is obviously fake, falling. Dean doesn't look like he cares one bit. "How could you?!" dramatically, he makes some exaggerated gestures, holding his hand near his chest.

"I know," Dean replied. Jake suddenly got quiet, it worried Timothy.

"I decided not to show my face anymore," Jake took out a paper bag from his pocket. A paper bag that has two holes for his eyes. He wore it on his head, hiding his appearance. "I realized that there's no reason to show this face, when Dean finds me hideous and flat,"

"Cover your body, too then,"

"Stop hurting my feelings!"

Timothy doesn't know what he's seeing anymore.


Had the random idea of this. But I don't think I was able to express it verbally 😭😭 forget it HAHAH

And uhh is this a new style of writing? I mean, it's not on past tense anymore but idk HAHAH also nevermind this

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