jimmy is easy (funny)

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happy new month! no crisis special bc christ wasn't even born in winter

but i can write stuff like this again!

ain't that fun??

is jimmy very kind or stupid?


Jake looked at Jimmy in disbelief. Jimmy didn't care as he almost drowned himself in alcohol and flirting with two women beside him.

Jake whispered his question to Kingsley, "Is jimmy really that easy to captivate?"

Jake asked that question because he heard Jimmy already promised one of the women that he'll give her money monthly. Jimmy will also be paying for her younger sibling's college tuition. And he will also be the one to pay for her mother's heart transplant. Jimmy is now the one responsible for searching for a match. (A match for the heart transplant.)

Kingsley calmly answered Jake, "He's had 43 ex-girlfriends."

Jake, "Excuse me?"

"You are excused." Kingsley said before drinking the glass of beer on his hand.

Jake asked a question again, "No, wait, did Jimmy do the same to the other girlfriends? Did he also pay for all of their expenses?" He couldn't believe that Jimmy would do something so generous and stupid.

Wolf joined their conversation, "It's Jimmy we're talking about. How can he not be the one to do something so stupid?"

Wolf, "Jimmy, that bitch. Being so generous and in front of women when he can't even buy his own cigarettes."

Jake, "He did ask me for cigarettes once but I don't smoke so I told him to ask other people. He just got angry at me! Turns out, he was supposed to give the cigarettes to his girlfriend."

Wolf snickered and said while lighting up a cigarette, "Jimmy is a poor golden master."

(golden master can mean: financial backer/sugar daddy)

Jake scratched his head, "I don't understand. Why is he so generous to a woman he just met?"

"Probably not loved as a child."

"I understand his parents." Jake said jokingly. He and Wolf laughed.

Jimmy was only two seats away, of course, he heard their conversation. He doesn't plan to correct their words. They were right after all. Except the part with his parents. His mother loved him.

He is trying to help his girlfriends and female friends because that's something he didn't experience as a child.

No one helped Jimmy's mother when she was all alone in raising her child. But, she chose this life, which is why she must live it. His mother was a kind woman, her face didn't have the glow that other beautiful women did, but to Jimmy, his mother was his sun.

Jimmy still remembers the times his mother told him that if she was the sun, he was her star. He didn't have the heart to correct his mother and say that the sun is also a star.

But, at desperate times and his mother got sick, no one gave Jimmy food when his stomach was churning and twisting in hunger. No one helped Jimmy when he needed to buy his mother's medicines.

No one, other than Jimmy, helped himself to find a burial site for his mother's cold body.

Jimmy swore to help who are women in need of help. He didn't want them to feel the helplessness he and his mother felt. He wouldn't pay mind to what others say.

But, others didn't have to know about all that.


jimmy's ma is completely made up 😔 why do they not have moms? moms are the best

mrs. lee should adopt those momless children

btw i'm anxious for jimmy... how will he pay for the woman's expenses?????

btw i can do this:


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