Part twelve

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Karma's POV

I woke up in Amy's arms feeling safe and loved, my head was on her chest so I lifted it slightly so that I could see her face. A smile spread across my face, god she looked cute when she slept.

An idea popped into my head and I had to stop myself from laughing, I slipped out of her arms and crept downstairs. I opened her fridge and grabbed the whipped cream. Once I got back upstairs I gently put it on her hand before tickling her face with my hair. She moved her head before swatting her face with her hand causing the whipped cream to go all over her face and neck. I couldn't help bursting out with laughter as she wakes up groggy and confused.

Amy: "What the hell is going on? Is that whipped cream?"

I nod my head whilst still howling with laughter, she frowns before jumping up and pulling me into a kiss. I try to dodge out of the way but she manages to kiss me covering my face with the cream too. She pulls away looking smug

Amy: "You've got a little cream on your face there Karms"

I pout at her before a smirk crosses my lips from the plan I have concocted. I wipe a bit of cream off my cheek with my finger and slowly and seductively lick it off, her eyes widen and I have to try hard not to smile and give the game away. I walk over to Amy who is standing by the bed and lightly push her onto it, she falls backwards so she is sitting on the edge of her bed with her mouth wide open. I sit on her so that I'm straddling her and I hear her breath hitch as my lips connect with her neck as l kiss and lick the cream off her neck.

She lets out a moan which only makes me grin more, this was to tease her but now, god I just want her. All of her. I kiss up her neck whilst she carries on letting out moans before kissing her soft lips. As I do this I pull my top off, Amy pulls away slightly but I close the gap between us.

I move one of my hands from her neck to caress her lower back earning another moan. I pull her top off of her and before she has the chance to stop it, I push her backwards so that she's lying on the bed with me on top of her. I can feel her heartbeat as our chests are pressed closely together and I feel that it's beating rapidly. I kiss down her neck to her collarbone and hear her moan my name. God that's so sexy! I slip a hand under her back and quickly unhook her bra

Amy: "Karma..."

Her voice sounds aroused and breathless, like I've sucked all of her breath out of her lungs. I look up at her and purposefully bite my bottom lip and I can tell it turned her on, I crawled up to her face and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. I break away a minute or so later and set to work on her neck then down to her collar bone and eventually to her bra. I remove her bra and gawp for a second at her perfect breasts before kissing them lightly.

Amy: "Oh my god Karma"

She arches her back and with one hand clutches at the bar on her headboard of her bed and with the other grabs a handful of the sheets on the bed. She was getting really turned on, as was I with every little moan or 'Karma' that she let out. One of my hands travelled down to her pants and pulled them off, just as I was about to do the same with her underwear her hand was on mine stopping me.

Amy: "Karma..."

Karma: "I want this. I want you."

Amy: "Karms-"

Karma: "Why don't you want me?"

Amy "I do-"

Karma: "It's because I'm fat isn't it?"

I feel a tear slowly trickle down my cheek

Amy: "God no Karms I do want you, more than you know! And you are the most beautiful person I have ever met, you are not fat, do you hear me? You have a figure to die for, a figure that I look at that sends me crazy with desire but I'm trying not to act on it Karms, as hard as that is for me and trust me its hard. I love you"

Karma: "Then be with me"

Amy: "I am with you"

Karma: "No I mean really be with me, I want this Amy, I want you."

Amy: "I'd be taking advantage of you Karma and I would never do that and as I've said I want it to be special for you"

I know what she's saying but for some reason my brain won't accept that it's the truth

Karma : "Please..."

Amy sits up and pulls me closer to her whilst I sob

Amy: "Please don't cry Karms... I love you... You're gorgeous... I love everything about you... I hate seeing you like this Karms"

She just held me periodically whispering supportive things.

I'd always been self conscious and I think that's why I wanted to have sex with Amy so quickly. I thought that if I didn't give her every bit of me right away that she'd leave me. Its only now that I see that Amy would never leave me over something like that, just like I wouldn't leave her for something like that, she's too loving and cares for me too much. I calm myself down and look up at her, her eyes are full of concern and she's holding back tears of her own. She's obviously feeling guilty for me feeling like this.

Karma: "Thanks Amy I needed this I just thought that, you know if I didn't give you all of me that you'd leave"

I mumble only now realising how stupid that sounded. The tears that she had been holding back began to slowly fall down her cheeks.

Amy: "I made you feel like that?"

She choked the sentence out and looked absolutely distraught, I immediately regretted saying it

Karma: "No that's not what I meant, that's how I feel with everyone, I just forgot to stop and think that you weren't everyone but that you were my Amy who would never leave me over something like that. It was my insecurities, nothing to do with you, I couldn't have asked for someone more supportive and to handle me as well as you have done. I love you Aims."

Amy: "I love you too Karms just remember that, no matter what I will always love you"

I swoop down and give Amy her clothes back, she gets up and goes crimson as she pulls out a new set of underwear and whilst facing the opposite way changes them quickly before finishing getting changed and putting the original pair in the washing basket. I fight to hide a smile

Karma: "Why did you change your underwear"

I have a good clue why but play dumb and keep a straight face as she blushes darker than I have ever seen her blush before.

Amy: "I... erm... you"

She looks at the floor in embarrassment and coughs slightly

Karma "What? Did I turn you on a lot?"

I smirk and she sees that I knew all along at hits my arm

Amy: "You ass you knew the whole time tou just wanted to see me suffer!"

Karma: "Well thanks for the compliment buttface now I know I'm doing a good job"

I smirks again and she can't help but return a smile

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