Part thirteen

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Karma's POV

It had been a couple of days since the whipped cream and crying incident and my parents had invited Amy over for dinner. I rang Amy an hour or so before she was due to come round.

Amy: "Hey beautiful,  I was just thinking about you"

Karma: "I trust that you were keeping your hands to yourself?"

I can almost see the blush on her face and fight off a laugh as she splutters a bit

Amy: "Of course I am what do you take me for?"

Karma: "Blush much?"

Amy: "Maybe, what time do your parent's want me over?"

Karma: "Well tea is in about an hour but I was thinking that you could come home earlier and we could talk"

I phrase the word differently to the rest of the sentence and she clicks onto the fact that I mean doing more than just talking

Amy: "I'll be there in ten"

Karma: "Eager much?"

Amy: "Maybe... See you in ten"

Karma: "Bye"

I watched the clock and Amy was at mine in nine minutes, I take my time strolling to the door, I open it and she looks me up and down with a smile.

Amy: "You look gorgeous"

She looks pretty hot herself, I wink at her and without saying another word grab her hand and lead her to my bedroom. She practically pounces on me when we get to my room, her kisses passionate and hungry, she eventually pulls away

Amy: "Sorry I just missed you and you look really hot"

Karma: "Well I can't help it"

I smirk at her as an idea pops into my head

Karma: "I want to make up another dance routine like the one we made and performed at your mom's wedding"

Amy: "Anything for you my love"

She says it so cheesily that I can't resist pulling her in for a quick kiss. We pick a song and soon were goofing around, creating moves with lifts in that Amy of course insists on being the lifter. I sometimes forget to remind Amy which lift to do and we end up falling onto the floor, laughing our heads off.

At one point I run and jump into Amy's arms so that I have my legs wrapped around her waist and my hands behind her neck whilst her hands are on my butt holding me up. We just stay there for a good minute or two, face to face staring into each others eyes

Amy: "I love you Karms"

Kamra: "I love you too dork"

She smiles and kisses me, our mouths bump together clumsily as we are both too busy smiling which only me smile more.

Molly: "Girls tea is ready"

Karma: "Ok mom be down in a sec"

I kiss Amy's cheek and she lets me down but grabs my hand as we walk downstairs

Molly: "Aren't you two just the cutest? Have you ever seen a cuter couple Lucas?"

Lucas: "Nope I haven't I'm glad that you two found each other"

I look over apologetically at Amy but she just smiles back at me, this must be a good change from her mom's attitude I suppose.

Amy: "Trust me I'm so lucky to be going out with your beautiful daughter"

The night that changed everything ~ A Karmy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now