Part fourteen

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Amy's POV

Halloween was coming up and so was the school's Halloween dance which for some reason was non fancy dress this year, maybe that has something to do with Lauren being in charge of it. Anyway because of the formal dress code Karma has insisted that we go dress shopping together, with anyone else I would resist but I'd happily jump into a volcano with her if it meant spending time with Karma.

Karma had already planned out our Halloween outfits, I was Hansel and she was Gretel, she had even bought me a lederhosen with a white shirt to go underneath and knee length white socks and a green hat with a feather in it to top off the look. She is wearing a baby blue dress with a white apron and knee length white socks with blue bows and baby blue kitten heels. I was reluctant about going as Hansel at first but I couldn't resist her pleas and she said that she thought that I would look cute in it especially the hat. In the end I went with what Karma wanted as I always did so that she was happy.

I spotted Karma at her locker and wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder

Amy: "Hey beautiful are you sure that you don't have a dress already and we can do something else instead tonight"

Karma: "Nope it'll be fun Hansel"

I can tell that shes grinning and I can't help bit smile back at her as I spin her around so that she is facing me

Amy: "Well I do rock the hat"

Karma: "You've tried it on?"

She pouts at me and gives me the puppy dog eyes, she had already given me the outfit but told me not to try it on without her

Amy: "No I can just tell"

Karma: "Good because I want to be the first person to see you in it and tell you how adorable you are in it"

Amy: "You'll probably be the first and last person to tell me that"

I smile and lean in for a quick soft and gentle kiss before we walk hand in hand to my car and I drive us to the mall.

We get out and Karma leads me hand and hand into the shop she liked for dresses. She looks for a while and ooooh's and aaahh's at dresses whilst I try not to laugh. She always had an infatuation with pretty dresses and couldn't help involuntary boises escaping her mouth when she saw a pretty dress. She looks over at me and I try to keep a straight face

Karma: "Have you found a dress that you like yet?"

Amy: "I uh forgot to look can you pick one for me you're so much better at this than me"

Karma: "I'll help but the final decision is all yours"

We look for a while longer and Karma pulls out dresses for me to try on

Karma: "I'm going to try these on wait here"

Amy: "Can't I come with?"

I pull a pouty face but she only giggles

Karma: "Nope the first time you will see me in the dress is Friday"

She goes to walk off but I put my arms around her waist and spin her so that she's facing me

Amy: "Will you at least pick mine?"

Karma: "Nope I'll have to wait until Friday too"

Amy: "But-"

Karma: "No buts"

Amy: "What about your cute butt?"

I slide my hands down so that they are resting on her butt and she lets out a theatrical gasp

The night that changed everything ~ A Karmy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now