Part fifteen

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Amy's POV

Friday seemed to drag on forever except for lunchtime which seemed to finish almost as soon as it started. Eventually the final bell rang and I hurriedly shoved my books and stuff into my bag and went to Karma's locker where she was shoving her books in it. I put my arms around her waist and my head on her shoulder like I always did

Karma: "Hey"

Amy: "Hello beautiful in a rush are we?"

Karma: "Actually yes I am, don't want to be late to dinner"

She turns around and smiles at me before pecking me quickly on the lips and leading me to my car.

I drop Karma off and rush home to get ready myself. I jump in the shower and shave and brush my teeth before blow drying my hair. I then put my dress on and curl my hair in loose curls at the end before applying my makeup nicely. I even curl my eyelashes after much flinching and put perfume on. I then put on my new heels and get my small black purse and walk downstairs to look at myself in the full length mirror.

My mom comes up behind me and rests a hand on my shoulder

Farrah: "Oh sweetie you look beautiful"

Amy: "Thanks mom"

This was the first genuine compliment I had gotten off my mom in years

Farrah: "If only you put more of an effort in normally then you could look like this all of the time-"

I zone her out and stop listening, she had to do it didn't she? She couldn't for once just say something nice and complimentary and not add a but or negative to it. For once I actually thought that we were having a mother-daughter bonding moment but no. I should have expected it really.

I glance at the clock and see that it is ten past five

Amy: "Look mom I have to go"

Farrah: "But the dance doesn't start for ages Amy"

Amy: "Yeah but me and Karma are going out to eat first and by the way I'm sleeping at Karma's until Monday as her parents are away and she doesn't want to stay in the house on her own"

I see my mom frown and contemplate whether or not to allow it

Farrah: "Well ok Amy I trust you, have a good time I love you"

Amy: Thanks love you too mom"

I jump into my car and drive to Karma's house and get there bang on half past.

I grab my overnight bad and fix my hair before knocking on the door. Karma's mom answers the door and her hand shoots to her mouth at the sight of me

Molly: "Oh Amy, you look gorgeous dear, come in, Lucas come and see how lovely Amy looks"

Lucas: "She does look really pretty doesn't she? Our Karma is a lucky girl!"

Amy: "Trust me I'm the lucky one"

Molly and Lucas both beamed at this and sat on the couch and patted it for me to join them and so I take a seat

Molly: "She's just finishing getting ready dear you know Karma"

I smile at this and talk to Molly and Lucas for another fifteen minutes until Karma is ready.

I hear her door open and stand up and walk to the bottom of the stairs as I see the most beautiful sight known to man. There she is looking stunning in a tight fitting red dress that stopped just above her knee. It showed just the right amount of cleavage as well as her legs, my mouth fell open and I was lost for words. Her hair was in the loose curls at the bottom that I adored and her makeup drew attention to her eyes which were a mix of blue around the outside and green on the inside today.

The night that changed everything ~ A Karmy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now