Part Four

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Karma's POV

I spent all night writing the song for Amy and figuring out a tune on my guitar, I call Shane before school

Shane: "M...hello?"

I'd obviously woken him up

Karma: "Sorry for waking you up Shane but will you come to mine before school and listen to my song for Amy?"

Shane: "Sure thing anything to get Karmy back together! What time do you want me there?"

Karma: "As soon as possible! Thanks Shane!"

I hang up and leave him to get ready, I have already decided what to wear, its Amys favourite outfit of mine and decided to put my hair in the loose curls she loves. I finish putting my make up on and getting ready and sit on my bed nervously waiting for Shane.

There is a knock at the door and I race down to answer it, it's Shane who pulls me in for a hug

Shane: "You nervous?"

Karma: "Yup but give me your honest opinion though Shane"

I take him to my room and grab my guitar I breathe out heavily before starting

You're all I've ever wanted
And more by far
I was just blinded
Now I'm wishing upon a star
For this to work
For you to say yes
To my one request

Step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me

You're the other half of my heart
I can't bear to be apart
And I'm ready now
As scary as it seems
Cause all I know is
You're the woman of my dreams

So step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me

Shane stays silent for a moment before beaming

Shane: "You're actually a really good singer Karma and I liked the lyrics but I dont really understand the chorus"

Karma: "That's what Amy said to me when she was trying to convince me to give her a chance to be her girlfriend, you know after her mom's wedding. She said that the feelings were scary but exciting, like bungee jumping and that I've always wanted to do that so step off the edge with me"

Shane: "That is so cute! The song really is perfect Karma you go win her back!"

I smile and put down my guitar

Karma: "You really think it'll work"

Shane: "You betcha! Come on let's go"

I grab my guitar and school bag and Shane drives us both to school, we both hurry off to see the principal before the morning announcements to ask her if I could play for Amy. Luckily she said yes and I had to wait nervously for our cue

Karma: "Shane I'm frightened"

Shane: "Just remember its for Amy"

That made me more determined than ever to do a good job so I grabbed my guitar and started practising.  The principal asked me to stop and started the morning announcements

Principal Penelope: "Now welcome our special guest Karma Ashcroft"

Shane gave me a reassuring thumbs up and I walked so that I was in front of the camera

Karma: "Hi um I'm going to play a song I've written for for my best friend Amy"

You're all I've ever wanted
And more by far
I was just blinded
Now I'm wishing upon a star
For this to work
For you to say yes
To my one request

Step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me

You're the other half of my heart
I can't bear to be apart
And I'm ready now
As scary as it seems
Cause all I know is
You're the woman of my dreams

So step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me
Step off the edge with me

I finish and look right into the camera

Karma: "Amy Raudenfeld I love you... please step off the edge with me"

A tear trickles down my cheek and I put my guitar down, I look over to Shane who is wiping away a tear of his own. I walked over to Shane, he gave me a hug as another tear slowly trickled down my cheek.

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