Part three

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Karma's POV

Reagan left and it was just me and Amy, I wrapped my arms around her she stayed in them for a few seconds before pulling herself away

Amy: "This is your fault, why did you have to be so rude to her! Why can't you just let me move on and be happy!"

She was really yelling now and tears were streaming down both of our faces. God I hate to see her cry

Karma: "Because..."

Why didn't I? Because I loved her and was jealous and wanted her to be all mine, but all I could get out was

Karma: "I don't want you to move on!"

She turned around and stormed off

Karma: "Amy wait... I can explain"

She started to run and so did I, although I knew that she would outrun me, she always had. In kindergarten she was the fastest in the class and it stayed that way until she no longer saw the interest in running races. She had the perfect legs for running, long and slim, in fact she just had the perfect legs.

I lost her not long after and miserably walked back to the restaurant, just before I walked back in I saw my reflection in the window. My eyes were all red and puffy and I had mascara running down my face, I tried to wipe it off but it just rubbed in more. Oh what the hell? What did it matter how I looked? It's not like I cared what any of the others at the table thought I looked like, not even Liam.

I walked back into the restaurant and Shane and Liam both lept to their feet, Liam put his arms out for me but I went strsight to Shane and let him hug me

Shane: "What happened"

Karma: "I... I have to go make it up to her... I shouldn't have..."

I continue to cry and Shane strokes my hair

Shane: "She loves you too much to let you go, you know that right?"

I shake my head

Karma: "You didn't see her Shane, I have to go to her house will you drive me Liam? "

Liam: "Sure"

He drives me there in almost silence

Karma: "Thanks"

Liam: "Look Karma if you wanna talk-"

Karma: "I don't."

He brushes a lock of hair out of my eyes and his touch actually repulses me

Karma: "I do need to talk to you actually Liam. It's over, I'm sorry I just... I don't love you anymore."

Liam: "Wait what? You can't do this!"

Karma: "I can and I am, I'm so sorry"

I jump out of his car and walk to Amy's front door and knock on it. I glance back and see him hitting his steering wheel repeatedly, the door to Amy's house opens and her mom is at the door

Karma: "Is Amy in?"

Farrah: "No, what's up Karma, you've been crying?"

Karma: "Me and Amy had a fight"

Farrah: "Do you want to come in and wait for her?"

Karma: "No thanks she might go to Shane's or something"

Farrah: "Okay bye"

Karma: "Bye"

By the time I turn around Liam had left, I walk away and sit on her porch, I'm not moving until she gets back either. Its freezing outside and Amy doesn't get back for another half an hour, I've been trying to work out what to say to her but no words will come. Shane pulls up and him and Amy get out of the car

Karma: "Amy! Look I-"

Amy: "I don't want to hear it! We're done, I can't see you now"

Tears fill my eyes again, I cant live without her

Karma: "Don't be like this I-"

Amy: "End of discussion Karma"

She lets herself in and I collapse to the ground crying more than I ever had before. I cried until I had no more tears left and curled into a ball on the cold floor.

Shane comes out later and sees me on the floor

Shane: "Have you been here the whole time?"

I nod my head but don't even attempt to sit up, he sighs and sits next to me

Shane: "You did the wrong thing Karma. Amy needs time without you, maybe not forever but she needs it now"

I try to respond but can't, Shane stands up and hauls me to my feet, keeping hold of my hand he leads me to his car and I numbly get in.

Shane: "Talk to me Karma why did you do it?"

I look at him and tears brim in my eyes

Karma: "Shane I love her"

Shane: "I know you do but you have to let her go, you can't keep her all to yourself just because she's your best friend"

Karma: "No I'm in love with her Shane"

He pulls up quickly and turns around so that hes facing me

Shane: "What?"

Karma: "I saw Reagan with her and I was jealously then Amy said that Reagan was mending her broken heart and thats when I knew... I wanted to be the one fixing her heart. I'm in love with her I just didn't realise it until today."

He mulls this over for a few seconds

Shane: "What about Liam?"

Karma: "I don't love him anymore,  I don't think I ever did really. I broke up with him"

Shane throws his arms around me and pulls me into a hug

Shane: "Oh Karma I'm so proud of you! Are you sure about this? Amy can't get her heart broken again"

Karma: "I'm more sure than I have been of anything else in my life. And I don't want to break her heart either Shane! But how do I win her back?"

Shane: "Hmmmmm... hasn't she always loved your singing?"

Karma: "Yeah and?"

Shane: "I was thinking that you could write her a song and play it on the morning announcements to her?"

My face lights up and my brain starts thinking of lyrics already

Karma: "Shane you're a bloody genius!"

He smirks and starts the car back up

Shane: "I know! OMG I can't believe I'm helping get Karmy back together! Super cute!"

He drives me home and as soon as I get in my room I start to write up lyrics, I can't wait for her to hear it I just hope she will forgive me and be mine.

The night that changed everything ~ A Karmy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now