Part nineteen

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Karma's POV

I put Amy's donut shirt on which was ever so slightly too long for me and a clean pair of panties whilst she puts on her purple hoody and sweatpants. We go back downstairs and Amy sits on the couch and I sit in her lap, I put my arms around her neck and snuggle into it. I breathe in her scent and smile happily, Amy turns on the TV and puts Netflix on

Amy: "Wanna binge watch something on Netflix Karms?"
Karma: "As long as I can sit like this"
Amy: "I wouldn't have it any other way"
She puts on Orange is the new black and we almost get through the whole first season before I fall asleep.

When I wake up I'm wrapped up in Amy's arms all warm and snug, I glance at the alarm clock and it says that it is almost 1 o'clock in the morning. She is fast asleep with a contented smile on her face, looking even more gorgeous than usual. I sigh happily and snuggle even closer to her and her arms wrap more tightly around me
Amy: "Love you Karms"
She mumbles it on her sleep and it melts my heart, I kiss her cheek gently before telling her that I love her too even though she can't hear me, before falling back asleep.

I wake up to see Amy still clutching onto me and still fast asleep, I watch her sleeping for a few minutes before gently waking her up
Karma: "Aims, time to wake up"
Amy: "Five more minutes"
She buries her head in my neck and I smile allowing her another five minutes sleep before trying to wake her again
Karma: "Come on Aims it's time to get up"
Amy: "I don't wanna"
Karma: "Well I do so wakey wakey"

I shake her lightly and she groans at me
Karma: "Wake up or that will be the only groaning you do for quite a while"
Amy: "Okay okay I'm up"
She pulls back and looks me in the eyes so that I can see that she's awake. Well it's good to know that I can successfully pull out the no sex card and get her to do whatever I want. I grin at her and she kisses me quickly

Amy: "Netflix day?"
Karma: "No we've got to go to Shane's party remember?"
Amy: "No I mean like in the day"
Karma: "Shane asked us to help him set up remember?"
Amy: "Oh shit I forgot! What time do we have to go?"
Karma: "He said one at the latest as we need to go on a beer run and decorate the house and stuff"
Amy: "Ugghhhhh! Fine!"
Karma: "I'm going to take a shower"

I get out of bed and stand up before taking hold of one of Amy's hands
Amy: "What are you doing?"
Karma: "Well I need a shower and so do you so I thought that we could... save water and shower together"
Amy: "I... saving water is very important... I'm sure your mom and dad would approve"
Karma: "I'm not so sure that they'll approve of what I'll be doing to you in the shower though"
I see her gulp and her breathing start to speed up slightly, I smirk and lead her into the bathroom.

Once we're finished having what I can only describe as the best shower of my life, we throw on some clothes and grab our outfits for tonight before setting off to Shane's house. On the way we grab a McDonald's for the three of us before walking through Shane's open front door
Amy: "Wassup bitches we brought food!"
She shouts it up and Shane comes running down the stairs with a beaming smile
Shane: "There's my two favourite lesbians, is that maccies?"
Karma: "You bet your ass it is"

Shane attempts to swipe the bag out of Amy's hand but her grip on it was iron one as it always was when it came to food.
Amy: "You'll need to try harder than that to get food off me Harvey"
She grins and dishes out our food, we eat it whilst talking about the party tonight
Shane: "I've got a fake ID so I can get the booze girls and I think Karma should be in charge of the decorations, no offense Amy but I don't think that you'd be the best at it, so Karma's the boss! Be back in half an hour ladies"
And with that he grabs his keys and leaves to go to the off licence.

I turn to Amy and smirk at her before walking up to her and standing centimetres away from her
Karma: "Yeah Amy you heard him I'm the boss so you have to do what I say"
Amy: "Or what?"
She grins back and raises her eyebrows at me, I push her so that she falls backwards onto the couch before I straddle her and lean in to kiss her. She leans in too and I pull back
Karma: "I'm in charge aren't I?"

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