Part seven

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Amys POV

I walk into class and am greeted by a few people congratulating me or clapping

Mr. Rogan: "Shut it the lot of you!"

The class is quiet almost immediately, it is a well known fact that Mr. Rogan is the most intimidating teacher and will leap at the chance to give out a detention, or better yet get you expelled.

Mr. Rogan: "Yes yes we've all seen your little stunt Amy"

He glares nastily at me

Amy: "What do you mean stunt?"

Mr. Rogan: "Your little pretence with Karma, oh so now your unpopular you've decided to rekindle this fake romance?"

I feel the blood rushing to my face with anger and I clench my fists together

Amy: "We're not pretending!"

Mr. Rogan: "Not even your precious Karma?"

Amy: "No!"

Mr. Rogan gets right in my face and whispers so that only I should be able to hear

Mr. Rogan: "So because she's too ugly to get a man Karma's turned into a sick little dyke too? You make me sick! It's unnatural"

I leap to my feet with angry tears welling in my eyes and punch Mr. Rogan square in the face, he falls back and trips over a desk, I see blood coming from his nose and hear gasps from the class. I stand over him

Amy: "Fuck you, you homophobic arsehole! Talk about her like that again and I'll fucking kill you! She's perfect"

With that I leave and run to Karma's class, the tears really start to run down my face now. How dare he? How bloody dare he? And I know what's going to happen, he's going to say that he was telling me off for being late or something and I flipped out and hit him and then to cover it up, I said he was being rude about Karma and my sexuality.

I get to Karma's class and hear her playing her song to me and it immediately calms me down. I try to slow my breathing and wait for her to finish before knocking on the door.

Amy: "Can I see Karma please?"

There are still tears running down my cheeks and her teacher sees this and allows it

Karma: "Oh my God Amy what's up?"

I bury myself in her arms and her presence seems to calm me and aggravate me at the same time. She has always had a calming effect on me but then it angers me how could he say something like that about someone so perfect? I eventually pull away from her

Amy: "Can we go somewhere else?"

Karma: "Yeah sure lets go to the roof"

Once were on the roof she sits me down

Karma: "Aims talk me, whats happened?"

Amy: "Mr. Reagan happened"

Karma: "Oh god what's he done now?"

Amy: "I got in and people were congratulating me and stuff and then he quieted the class and basically said that we were faking it and I said we weren't and then he said-"

I stop unable to bring myself to say anything bad about Karma

Karma: "What did he say Amy?"

Amy: "He said nasty untrue things about you"

Karma: "What did he say?"

Amy: "I... he said 'because she's too ugly to get a man Karma's turned into a sick little dyke too? You make me sick! It's unnatural'"

It really pained me to say something so mean about Karma, she looks at me and rests her head on my shoulder

Karma: "Just report him it'll be fine"

Amy: "They won't believe me they'll just think I'm trying to cover my tracks"

She sits up and looks me square in the eyes

Karma: "Amy what did you do?"

I sigh and look at the ground

Amy: "I punched him in the face and he fell over a desk and his nose was bleeding and I told him to fuck off and that he was a homophobic arsehole and that if he ever talked about you like that again I'd kill him. How could he say those things Karm? You're perfect."

I'm angry with him for what he did and even if it means me getting expelled it was worth it, I couldn't let him getting away with saying such lies.

Karma: "Look at me Aims"

I carry on looking at the floor, angry tears in my eyes and my fists clenched tightly, she reaches up and lifts my chin up with her hand so I'm looking at her. She smiles and it looks like she has a few tears of her own in her eyes.

Karma: "Oh Amy! You did that for me?"

Amy: "Yeah I couldn't stand to hear him say such horrible and untrue things about you! Insult me me all you like but insult you, well then you cross a line"

She places her hand on my cheek and pulls me towards her and kisses me passionately, my hands automatically go to around her waist and I pull her onto me so that shes sitting on my lap. When the lack of air becomes a problem we pull away from each other and she gently rests her forehead on mine.

Karma: "You're my hero"

Amy: "And you've watched to many rom-coms"

We both laugh and she gets up and pulls me to my feet

Karma: "As much as I'd like to stay here with you all day we need to talk to Penelope and sort this out"

I groan, I'd be much happier to bury my head in the sand and stay here with Karma today until I'm found and expelled but as always Karma wins and we go to the principles office.

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