Part eight

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Karma's POV

I practically have to drag Amy to Penelope's office, I knock on the door and hear her tell us to come in. Shane is sitting outside the office, he looks over to us and gives us a reassuring smile. Mr. Rogan is already sat inside the office

Penelope: "Ah there you are please take a seat Amy, you too Karma"

Once we're both seated she turns her attention to Amy

Penelope: "Amy please explain yourself"

Amy: "I know violence is never the anwer but I couldn't stand hearing him say what he is saying"

Penelope: "Slowly go through the events please Amy"

Amy did as she was told and said exactly what she had already told me and I can't help but look at her lovingly. I knew that she was in trouble, BIG trouble. It was technically assault and the police could be involved but, I couldn't stop thinking about how she stuck up for me even knowing how much trouble it would get her into, she must really love me a lot.

Amy finishes her recount of the story

Mr. Rogan: "It's lies all of it! All I did was tell her that she would have to stay for half of her lunch for being late and she flipped out and assaulted me!"

Amy let out a sigh, she told me he'd do this, I took hold of her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze and I could see a slight smile flutter across her lips.

Penelope: "Where did you go after this took place?"

Amy: "I went to Karma's class to get her then we went to the roof and came straight here after I'd calmed down"

Penelope: "Did you run into anyone, call or text them?"

Amy: "No"

Penelope: "Karma can you vouch for this?"

Karma: "Yes"

Penelope: "And both the CCTV and your phone records would show this?"

We both nod

Penelope: "I'll look into you know"

We both nod again

Penelope: "Well then I have to say that I believe you Amy"

Mr. Rogan: "What? She assaulted me and is trying to get off the hook!"

Penelope: "That's enough Mr. Rogan! I have had another pupil come forward from your class almost immediately after the incident occurred and the recounted the same story as Amy had. I suggest that you don't go to the police Mr. Rogan as it may result in you loosing your job due to being homophobic and insulting pupils. No further action is to be taken do I make myself clear?"

He sat there with his mouth gaping open Penelope: "A question requires an answer Mr. Rogan"

He gritted his teeth and got up

Mr. Rogan: "Crystal clear"

And with that he flounced off

Penelope: "Good, now Amy I will be changing your timetable around so you have another maths teacher and although i can not officially say i agree with what you did, you're not getting any repercussions but lets not make a habit of it"

Amy looks at me unable to speak from shock

Karma: "Thank you and just out of interest who vouched for Amy?"

Penelope: "Shane Harvey, he will also be moved to another maths class, you girls can go now"

I grab Amy's arm and pull her up out of her chair

Karma: "Okay bye and thanks again"

She smiled at us both and we left, once I'm outside I pull Amy into a hug, she pulls away and I go to question this but she quickly places her lips onto mine and kisses me

Shane: "Sorry to break this up but did she believe the truth?"

I pull away from Amy and pull Shane into a hug with us

Amy: "Thank you so much Shane! But how did you hear him?"

Shane: "After eavesdropping for years your hearing seems to improve"

We all laugh and walk off to spend our lunch together.

The night that changed everything ~ A Karmy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now