Part two

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Amy's POV

By now I was sobbing, it was as if it had hit me again that Karma wouldn't love me no matter what I did and to top it all off Reagan couldn't even look at me.

Reagan: "I can't do this"

She hailed a taxi and looked back with tears running down her face

Reagan: "You've chosen Karma, I cant compete with her"

Amy: "Reagan wait!"

She just ignored me and drove off. I could feel the few pieces of my heart that were mending shattering again. Karma comes over and wraps her arms around me, I cry on her shoulder for a few seconds before I get butterflies and so I pull away.

Amy: "This is your fault, why did you have to be so rude to her! Why can't you just let me move on and be happy!"

I'm yelling by now, the tears streaming down my face as Karma silently cries

Karma: "Because... I don't want you to move on!"

I turn around and start walking away from Karma. How could she say that? Why won't she let me be happy or at least as happy as I can be without her love?

Karma: "Amy wait! I can explain!"

I don't listen to her and break out into a run, I can hear her running after me, luckily Karma has never been a fast runner, her legs are just too short but they're perfect, the perfect shape and... stop it! Stop thinking about her like that!

I run until I no longer know where I am, I look around and see a street sign- Rider Avenue. Where the hell was I? I get out my phone and out of habit go to call Karma for help, I stop just before I hit dial and change my mind and call Shane.

Shane: "Hey Amy where are you? Karma's really upset, her and Liam have just left to go to yours I think"

Amy: "I don't know where I am Shane! I'm lost"

I manage to splutter it out in between sobs

Shane: "Oh Amy! What happened?"

His voice is sympathetic and protective at the same time

Amy: "I..."

I can't say anything more as I'm crying too hard

Shane: "Stay there I'm coming to get you what's the road called?"

Amy: "R...Rider Avenue"

Shane: "I'm leaving now"

He put the phone down and left me alone with only my thoughts for company which were conflicting and frightening. I wanted to hate Karma for what she had done but I couldn't, I just loved her too much but I couldn't forgive her either.

Shane arrived shortly after and I got into the passenger side

Amy: "Where's Duke?"

Shane: "He got a lift home of Theo, tell me what happened Amy"

Amy: "She asked if I loved Karma and I told her about us and she left! Then I asked Karma why she couldn't let me be happy and guess what she said? She said that she didn't want me to move on! So i ran to here she followed me but I lost her. God Shane now I dont have Karma or Reagan!"

I carried on sobbing and Shane sighed

Shane: "She shouldn't have been like that with Reagan and she should want you to be happy but what are you going to do?"

Amy: "I still love her"

I sob harder than ever and Shane puts his free hand on mine

Shane: "Shhhh...shhh..shhh I know, it'll get better"

Amy: "It won't! I cant stop thinking about her and I can't stop my feelings for her no matter how hard I try! I think I need to stop seeing her for now at least"

Shane: "Maybe its for the best after all you can't just switch off love"

The night that changed everything ~ A Karmy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now