|{Chapter 4}|

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|{Back Together Again}|

"Haha! So Captain Yami does have a soft spot~" chuckled Luck.

"I could kill all of you if I wanted to." Grumbled Yami.

They all laughed at his comment. But Magna kept a straight face the whole time thinking about what had happened the last time he was there. That was the only thing he could think about.

"Magna? MAGNA!"

"Oh uh yea- OWW! What was that for?" Luck had electrified Magna by simply tapping his shoulder.

"Snap out of it! I've been asking you to spar as usual but you don't look annoyed one bit!" Luck said close to his face. A bit of pink dusted both of their cheeks. Magna turned away from Lucks face and ignored the requests to spar. Luck blocked Magna's path.

"You won't even look at me anymore!" Luck took Magna's face and turned it towards his instead. Magna looked a little startled.

"Ow! Ok, ok I'm looking! Let me go now idiot!

"Fine. We're here anyways."

They all entered the palace presenting Loropechika, the Queen of the Heart kingdom. Undine, brushing Lorophechika's hair, looked up excitingly.

"Ooo~ guests! The captain and a familiar face! I can recall your name is Magna?" Undine said while pulling the hairbrush to untangle the small knots in Loropechika's hair.

"Undine! That hurts!" Loropechika whined.

"Oh I'm so very sorry.."

"No.. I'm sorry for my appearance everyone.. I should be used to wearing my dress by now. So I apologize.." Loropechika always feels irresponsible and feels like she needs to be more proper as a queen.

"There's no need to apologize! It's normal to wear clothes like these. Plus, you always trip using that dress anyways. No offense." Asta said almost screaming. Noelle slapped the back of Asta's head.

"Ouch. That was unnecessary."

"I can apologize if you want.. I-I mean- HAH. You deserved that stupidsta." Noelle chuckled awkwardly while flipping her hair.

"Anyways we just came here to visit. Is it ok if crappy haircut stays here for at least a week?" Yami said as he pulled out his cigarette.

"Excuse me Captain?"

"Of course! But there aren't anymore rooms available. We could fit you in someone room if you'd like."

"Ooh oh! Can he stay in my room? There's an extra bed there!" Luck exclaimed. They hadn't seen each other in a while anyway.

"Problem solved! I wouldn't want him near my room anyways." Noelle said confidentially.

"Y'all are mean. I guess I'll take a room with Luck." Magna said looking to the side. He felt a little embarrassed saying that. He never that he would say that.

"Ok! I'll be in the library studying with Undine if you need anything. Have a safe trip Captain Yami!"

"Yeah yeah. Bye guys."

"Awww! Already! I haven't even shown you how strong I am! I can fly on my sword now! See! I'm floating!" Asta screamed.

"That's great kid. But you still can't beat me by flying that stupid sword of yours. I'll be heading off now so bye."

"When I get back to the base let's spar, 'kay captain?"

Yami had already been gone when Luck screamed that. They all headed back to their rooms since they had some spare time before training. Magna went to the kitchen to help scrub some dirty dishes. Meanwhile, Asta doing push-ups (faster than a freaking cheetah ran) noticed something was wrong.

꧁|𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒|꧂~ |{Luck X Magna}|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz