|{Chapter 12}|

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   Luck woke up to a continuous beeping noise. He stared at a little light on top of him that wasn't as bright, then closed his eyes. He blinked slowly and gathered the strength to look around him. His vision was still a little blurry.
   Right beside him was a couch, and Nea, who was sound asleep. Her head laying on his bed, and her loose body kneeling beside him on the cold floor, as she held his hand. He looked to the other side of the room.
   There was Vanessa, Charmy, and—Noelle? She would never visit his room. That's when he realized. This wasn't his room.
   "Wait, Where...?" Luck said, unable to finish his sentence. Nea slowly looked up and saw him. He was awake.
   "Luck!" She said, standing up. "Oh my gosh, you're,—you're awake! A-and I'm not dreaming! This is real," Nea leaned in for a hug. "Luck, thank god." She said in a shaky voice.
   "Nea, could you shut up with the, 'he's awake, I saw it! I saw his eye twitch!' Bullshit? I told you, he's not gonna wake—" Vanessa said waking up. She looked up and stared into Luck's eyes.
   "But, where...what's happeni—" Luck said, trying to get up. A sharp pain in his chest caused him to gasp and stop talking. He groaned.
   "Don't move, stupid." Noelle said, forcing him to lie back down. "Someone needs to call a nurse," She continued. "Ya know, to check up on him." She flipped her hair and sat back on a chair. "It's not like I'm doing this because I care about you. This is obviously for my reputation." She said, as if she was worried someone were to judge her.
   "Sure." Vanessa said, letting go of her bottle of wine. Charmy—as always, nibbling on some food, got up and gave Luck a bowl of rice. "Here," She said as she handed it to him. "You need to eat. I'm sure you're hungry." She said in a teasing manner. "I'm not hungry." Luck said.
   "Nea, what's going on? Where..." That's when it hit him. Flashbacks of Magna hitting the wall, blood pouring down the side of his head and out of his mouth, and Nea, screaming at them both, trying to wake them.
   "I have to go." Luck said as he ran out of bed— towards the door. He ran across the hallway to the registering area.
   "Luck, wait! You can't—you have to stay in bed, oh, come on!" Nea shouted out. She rushed out the door as Charmy followed her.
"Do you know where I can find Magna Swing's room?" Luck asked the register. "Are you here for a visit?" The register replied. Luck wished she would hurry up and just show him Magna's room already. He was desperate.
"Yes, I'm his friend. I'm kind of in a hurry, could you please hurry? I'm sorry if that sounded rude." Luck said kindly. "No worries," The register said. "But he checked out yesterday."
Luck rushed out the hospital and to the hotel Magna, Nea, and he stayed at. But there was one issue. He couldn't figure out where to go. It was a completely different environment than before. This wasn't Yvon.
   "Luck, come back!" Nea was screaming. Luck looked behind him and there she was, running right towards him. He bolted into the cloudy sky and landed on the roof of a house. He jumped from roof to roof gaining more momentum each jump. Meanwhile Nea stood still.
Damnit, she thought. An idea lit up in her mind. "Ok. Nea, you can do this. But I swear—if your dumbass self messes this up, I'll kill you." She said to herself.
   She took a deep breath, and exhaled. "Sky Magic: Angel's Breath," she announced. She exhaled once again, and clouds started forming from her breath. The clouds danced around her and started to shape into wings.
She opened her eyes and turned around to see the wings. "Holy shit, I did it!" She chuckled. She spread her wings and took off.
Nea—struggling to fly— headed towards Luck's direction. She didn't go too fast, and she never used this spell. Her wings were flapping inconsistently, but she had to try. Luck was going way faster than her, but it was better than nothing. Her 'Magic Carpet' spell was a little slower than the speed she was going.
Luck jumped into the sky and looked around. Other than trees, in the distance he saw a tall tower that held a bell. That was Yvon's bell tower! It looked as though it was miles away, but he knew it was close.
   He took off at full speed, when suddenly, his magic stopped. He ran out of mana. He fell straight down into a cluster of trees and ended up tangled in vines. He wiggled, struggling to get out of it's grasp. Once he finally succeeded, he plumeted down into a lake. He really wasn't getting lucky, huh. No pun intended.
   He got out of the lake and started squeezing out the dirty water from his clothes. As he observed the area, he spotted a small piece of farmland not too far away.
   He walked towards the fields of corn and spotted a small cottage. It was covered with many colorful flowers and fresh green bushes.
   He knocked on the door and as it slowly opened, Mr. Tesla's face appeared behind it. They stared back at each other unable to process that they were standing right in front of each other.
   "Luck? You're awake?" He said gently. A few tears started forming in his eyes as he hugged Luck. He squeezed even tighter.
"Uh yeah," Luck said slowly hugging Mr. Telsa back. "But—Why is everyone so surprised?" He said patting the baker's back.
"Haven't you heard?" Mr. Telsa asked looking back at Luck. "You've been in a coma for almost a month! And—and the doctors said you would be in a coma for almost a year! But look at you now, standing right in front of me..." he explained in a sullen voice trying to hold back his tears.
Luck hugged Mr. Telsa tightly to comfort him and ended up in Mr. Tesla's house.
"Would you like some tea?" Mr. Telsa offered. Luck silently shook his head and sat down on a soft rocking chair.
"Does Nea and the other's know you're awake" Mr. Telsa asked.
"She does," Luck responded. "A few of my friends do too—but they probably already told the other black bulls." He said gently.
"You're friends are very kind." Mr. Telsa said. "I've met them." He said as Luck stared at him, as he poured warm tea into a cup. "Nea introduced them to me. As for your captain, I'm sure he's usually really aggressive, but he was so gentle and kind. He comforted Nea and I, too." He explained.
"I miss them." Luck whimpered. Then he remembered—he had his communicator.
He picked up the device and called Asta. A loud scream came out of the phone that made Mr. Telsa and Luck jump.
"LUUUUUCK! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Asta cried out. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO IN A COMA, WHYYYY!" He said crying.
"SHUT UP ASTA CALM DOWN!" Noelle said grabbing the phone. "LUCK, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU—oh, you're at Mr. Telsa's house." Luck nodded in agreement. "Hi Mr. Telsa! It's me! Noelle! A-k-a, your favorite black bu-"
"Luck, we all miss you. Even Gauche misses you. And he doesn't like anyone." Finral said with great enthusiasm.
"I hate all of you." Gauche said in the distance, giving Finral a death stare.
   "Guys, I'm flattered, truly, I am. I miss you guys too. But I'm trying to find Magna—is, is he there with you guys?" Luck asked. The black bulls looked at each other.
   "Luck please, come back. I know you're upset but you have to—wait, are you at my HOUSE?! Dad what the hell, why didn't you tell me?" Nea said angrily. "Finral, take me to my house, please."
   Finral created his portal as Nea went through. Finral stuck his head out and looked at both of them.
   "I'll give you guys some privacy." He chuckled nervously and closed his portal. The others hung up the communicator.
   "Luck, let's go outside." She said as she stared at her dad.
   They both walked outside and into the the field of corn. Nea was dragging him by the hand, not paying attention to Luck's clumsiness.
   "Luck, I've been meaning to tell you this." She inhaled deeply. "I like you. I always have. It's ok if you don't feel the same." She said passionately.
   "Nea," Luck said gently. "I'm sorry, I don't feel the same way. I see you more as my sister." He said, trying to act as sincere as possible.
   "Oh... it's—it's ok." Nea responded sullenly.
   "Um... Nea, I know this isn't the best time," Luck said. "But... have you seen Magna?"
   "Oh, Luck," Nea said putting her hand on his shoulder. "Haven't you heard?" She said as Luck looked up at her. "Magna..." She started. She looked down and started to explain. "When Luck hit the wall back at Lady Phoenix's castle, he hit his head pretty hard. He damaged his temporal and occipital lobe of his brain. Both parts of the brain are responsible for vision and memory." Luck's head was starting to spin.
"So, is he okay?" Luck asked confused. Nea shook her head.
"He lost some of his vision," Nea started talking. "But the doctors took care of that. But... his memory... he—"
"—he won't be able to remember me..." Luck finished.

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