|{Chapter 15}|

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"Well well well," said Lady Phoenix. "If it isn't the iconic duo. Ugly purple glasses and blonde. I thought I killed both of you. How unfortunate." She said upsettingly.
"You," Luck muttered. "What are you doing here? And why couldn't I recognize your mana?" He questioned.
"Who's she?" Magna asked.
"Who am I?" Lady Phoenix giggled. "How could you forget?"
"Actually he can't remember anything." Luck said. "Because of you." Luck hissed.
"Aww did he bump his head too hard? It must've been so hard for you two sensitive kiddos." She said mockingly.
"Magna, get behind me." Luck whispered demandingly.
"Are you really trying to protect him?" Lady Phoenix said. "You screwed that up the first time, so why try now?"
"Because I promised I would be there for him." Luck said looking back at Magna.
"Sorry to ruin the mood," Magna said. "But I can't remember anything that happened before the little accident I had, so would you be generous and explain the situation?"
"Magna, now is really not a great time." Luck snapped.
"Well damn, I was only asking."
"Alright enough!" Lady Phoenix exclaimed. "Voltia, where's Sukehiro?" She barked.
"Sukehiro?" Luck questioned. "You mean Captain Yami? What did he ever do to you?"
"Just tell me," Lady Phoenix demanded. "Tell me so I won't have to hurt you." She threatened both of them.
Luck then realized Lady Phoenix looked absolutely horrible. Her grimy red dress had been torn and her hair was down and tangled. She had mud on her face and her body looked beaten up.
   "What happened to you?" Luck gasped.
   "None of your business," She grunted. "Tell me. Tell me. Tell me." She repeated. "Or I'll kill you!" She  shrieked. Her voice suddenly became demonic and low. Her eyes turned into an eerie shade of black and red liquid started pouring out of her mouth.
   All Luck could do was stare. Terrified. He had never felt fear before. Shock and confusion were the only thing he felt. He couldn't move an inch. Except for Magna.
   "Hey, are you getting out of here or not?" Magna panicked. "Hey! Hey! Snap out of it!" He called. But Luck didn't answer.
   Instead of trying to get Luck's attention, Magna grabbed his arm and dashed away from the corrupted Lady Phoenix. Luck snapped back into reality and swooped up Magna from the ground. He used his lightning magic to scramble away from Lady Phoenix.
   "What just happened back there?" Magna cried.
   "I don't know," Luck panted. "But we have to get back to Captain Yami and the others before she does."
   "Uh," Magna said as he looked behind him in fear. "I know you're trying to focus on finding your way back to your friends, but—"
   "Magna, just get to the point!" Luck yelled.
   "Creepy lady is right behind you," Magna shouted. "And she flying towards us way faster than your little legs can run."
   Luck looked behind him and noticed Magna was right. Lady Phoenix was flying directly towards them at top speed. At their speed, they would never be able to lose her. Luck had to think of something. And fast. Then, an idea sparked in his head.
   "Hey Magna," Luck said. "Do you still know how to use magic?"
   "Hell yeah I do," Magna said, offended. "What do you think I am? Some kind of— Some kind of commoner who doesn't have any magic?"
   "Once you get your memories back, you're gonna regret everything you just said." Luck muttered.
   "Ok, make a fireball and hit her directly on the face." Luck ordered. "That should probably stop her for a while."
   "Ok, slow down," Magna said. "I think you expect too much of me. Y'know, considering the fact I forgot how to do basically everything."
   "Magna, I know you even more than you do," Luck said. "Well, that is, for now. Until we figure out how to get your memories back, I'm the only person who knows you best." Luck looked at Magna in a comforting way. "So I know I can trust you."
   "Wow that was... Surprisingly comforting. That made my ego go way up." Magna said. "Summoning a fireball and aiming it directly towards a target flying faster than literal lightning? Piece of cake." He said confidently.
   Magna "successfully" formed a fireball. And the reason why I said 'successfully' in quotes was because he formed a tiny little fire. Almost the size of a small rock.
   "So uh, small problem," Magna said. "I don't think my fireball will do... Anything..."
   Luck look at the fireball, rolled his eyes, and looked back at Lady Phoenix. She was laughing maniacally and became faster than before.
   "Just hit her with the damn thing will ya?" Luck said, trying to focus on which direction they should go.
   "Ok... here goes nothing." Magna threw the fireball directly towards her face. "Yes! Yes! Haha! I'm so good!" Magna celebrated. But apparently, he celebrated too early. He watched the fireball fly straight up into the air right as it was about to hit her face.
"What?" Magna said in shock. "That's bullshit! I hit her directly at the face!"
"Just keep on firing them!" Luck said in panic. "Do whatever it takes to slow her down!"
Magna continued to summon fireballs and threw them frantically at her, but the little fires kept dodging her.
"It's not working dammit!" Magna screamed.
Luck looked behind him and saw Lady Phoenix right at their tale. But he had an idea. Luck jumped straight into the air right above Lady Phoenix and started running the opposite direction. Lady Phoenix noticed Luck was gone but it was too late. She bumped right into a tree at top speed.
"Damn," Magna exclaimed. "That was actually pretty smart."
   "I'm not that stupid, Magna." Luck said.
   "Is my name really Magna?" Magna asked. "That's actually sick. What's yours?"
   "My name?" Luck said. "Tch... I don't really like it to be honest."
   "Why not? It's probably Luka or somethin'..."
   "Luka? Why would it be Luka?"
   "You look like a Luka."
   "If you remove the 'a' that would be my name."
   "No," Luck giggled. "It's Luck, idiot."
   "Why don't you like it?" Magna asked. "That's a pretty damn cool name to me."
   Luck looked at Magna. He looked like he was smiling in admiration which made Luck a little flustered.
   "Ok, stop looking at me like that." Luck said trying to hide his face.
   "Whaddya mean?" Magna said confused. "I'm not doing anything."
   Magna caught a small glimpse of Luck's face and noticed he was as red as a tomato.
   "Aww," Magna smiled. "You blushing pudding?"
   "What's with the pet names?" Luck said, even more flustered than before.
   "Never call me that again." Luck said.
   "Why?" Magna asked. "You're sweet. Like pudding!"
   "Shut uppp!" Luck started to laugh. They both started to laugh. Luck looked down at Magna and smiled. It had been quiet a while since they've fought and laughed and actually had fun together. But they both knew it wouldn't be the same.
"Y'know, even if you lost all your memories, your personality is still the same." Luck cheered. "I'm glad."
"I act like this all the time?" Magna asked. "That's probably pretty annoying.
"It is." Luck joked. "But I'm much more annoying to be honest."
"How so?" Magna questioned.
"I'd always be in your face." Luck giggled. "Always asking to spar. I'd always pull pranks on you too. We used to make a huge mess of the base. Vanessa would be drunk in her bikini, Asta would be training, Noelle would be watching him, Gauche would be admiring his little sister's face, Charmy would be stuffing food down her throat." Luck chuckled. "And we would be fighting in the base making a mess of things. And Captain Yami would say, 'you two better clean this place down to the very last speck and if I see even one chair out of its place, I'll kick your asses.' And we would just kneel on the floor nodding our heads... Fun times." Luck smiled dismally and sighed.
Magna looked at Luck in a somber way. He felt bad for him. Magna realized through Luck's words how much they have been through together. And he just forgot everything. And he couldn't do anything about it.
Luck slowed down to rest and let go of Magna. Luck knew they were almost back at the plaza since he recognized the parts of the forest they were in. He checked his body bag to see if there were any rations they could eat, but then he realized he had his tracker and his communicator on him. He pulled out both the tracker and the communicator and stared at it in disappointment.
"What's that?" Magna asked, oblivious.
"It's..." Luck started. "It's my communicator. And my tracker..."
Magna stared at Luck frustrated.
"So you're telling me," Magna said. "That we could've used both of those things to track down your friends and call them.
"And you're not frustrated by that fact at all?"
"No. No, I am." Luck said slowly turning around at him.
"Y'know what, just call them."
Luck turned on the communicator and called Captain Yami. But he never picked up. Luck called again, and he never picked up. He rang him repeatedly, still, he never picked up.
"They're not answering." Luck said a little surprised. "I'll try calling Asta." He said talking to himself.
Asta didn't answer either.
"Uh," Luck said. "Maybe Noelle?"
Noelle didn't pick up.
As expected, he didn't pick up.
Nope. Not her either.
At that point, he called the whole squad. None of them picked up. Suddenly, Captain Yami called Luck.
"Captain Yami!" Luck celebrated. "Thank god you picked up. I finally found Magna. But we sorta got lost. Could you send me your guy's location on my tracker?"
"Sure, Luck." Said Lady Phoenix through the phone.

Author's note
Idk what to say actually. I just hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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