|{Chapter 14}|

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"Who are you...?" Magna asked.
"Uh, maybe I'll explain later. Y'know, with the others..." Luck frowned.
"What others? There are others?"
"Y'know what- just, follow me." Luck slowly let go of Magna's body, stood up gradually, and held out his hand. Magna reluctantly grabbed his hand and started following Luck out of their treehouse. As they were walking, they noticed that they were somehow in the woods now.
"Um... So... Where are we going?" Magna said.
"Honestly, I don't remember." Luck replied
   "So we're lost."
   "Guess so."
   "So then- why are we still walking?"
   "No clue." Luck stopped and collapsed—face first—onto the ground.
   "Woah- hey, you alright?" Magna asked concerned.
   "Sorry- yeah. Just give me a sec." Luck replied, still lying loosely on the ground. He eventually picked himself up and sat on the grass groaning. He covered his face with his hands and slowly stood up.
   "Uh... What just happened?" Magna asked with his hands on Luck's shoulders.
   "I'm just tired..." Luck said, about to collapse once again.
   "Ok then. I'll just carry you then." Magna said.
   "Wait what? No I'm fine- I just have a little fever from the rain is all! No biggy!" Magna grabbed Luck off the ground. "Hey! Magna— put me down! I said I'm fine!" Luck said, squirming in Magna's arms trying to get down.
"No, I'm not gonna put you down because first of all, I don't know who or where I am and your guiding me out of this forest. Second of all, if you go unconscious we're gonna be stuck here." Magna said. "Also, your immune system sucks ass." Magna added.
"Was that really necessary?" Luck asked, a little offended.
"Yes, yes it was necessary because you won't listen." Magna said.
   "Whatever. At least I know my own name." Luck said mocking Magna.
   "Wooow. That was just uncalled for."
   "To be honest that was actually really rude. I'm sorry for pudding."
   "What the fuck does that even mean? Pudding?"
   "You little piece of shit."

   As they were walking through the forest, they heard something coming from a bush right next to them. They could sense its mana. It was strong and unrecognizable.
   Luck looked at Magna and they both nodded in agreement. Magna let go of Luck and they both got into fighting positions.
   "It's been a long time since I've fought with you." Luck said excited.
   "I dunno, I don't remember." Magna said.
   "Hm, fair enough."
   A shadowy image stepped out of the shadows and revealed Lady Phoenix.

Author's note
Yeah I know, it was a short chapter. But I did manage to write a new chapter! Sorry for being dead lately. I've just been really stressed by school and family stuff lately so I'll try to update as much as I can. I hope you guys enjoyed :)

꧁|𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒|꧂~ |{Luck X Magna}|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ