|{Chapter 10}|

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|{Lady Phoenix}|

The next morning Luck got up and looked at the time. "Ah. 5:59... Wait. 5:59?! Crap I'm gonna be late!" He fell off the top of the bunk bed he was sleeping on and immediately went to the bathroom. "Luck... shut up... it's to early for this shit..." Magna groaned while putting a pillow on top his head. "Luck, what's the matter with you..." Nea said sleepily. "Guys, get up or we're gonna be late!" Luck said jumping, struggling to put his pants on. "Late for what? Nea replied sitting up, rubbing her eyes. Magna was groaning with his pillow on top of his head trying to ignore the noise and go back to sleep. "We're going to her castle! She told me she would give us one mil in spade coins! Do you know how many clover coins that is?"
Luck said, finally able to put his pants on. "Who's she?" Magna asked, responding awake this time. "Lady Phoenix!" Suddenly the words rendered into their heads. One million in Spade coins. Million. "Holy crap! One million? In spade coins?" Magna and Nea said. "WE GOT TO GET TO THAT CASTLE! CHANGE AND GET OUT OF HERE!" Nea said. Luck got out of the bathroom and Nea rushed in. Magna, luckily not needing to change because he slept with his clothes on, put his jacket on.

Nea rushed out the bathroom pointing, and running towards the front door. "Get that door unlocked!" She said across the room. Magna rushed towards the door and unlocked it. Nea, getting ready to cover her face before impacting the door, hit the wall instead. Magna and Luck ran out. She quickly got up and used her magic. "Sky Magic: Magic Carpet!" A carpet looking cloud appeared and she hopped on. Magna and Luck, already outside the hotel, saw Nea burst through the door with her magic cloud. "Hop on!" She said desperately with her hand reached out. Luck grabbed her hand and Nea started to float up. "Magna! Hurry!" He said reaching out his arm. Magna grabbed his hand and the cloud started floating away. They hopped onto the cloud and started zooming.

"Woohoo! This is great Nea!" Luck said with his arms out and his hair flowing. Magna grasped the cloud-carpet while screaming. Nea decided to fly faster. Then realized, she didn't know where she was going. "Wait, Luck? Where's her palace?" Luck froze. "It's... the other way around."
"Damnit Luck!" Magna said loudly. "We're going to be late."
"Don't shout at him! He didn't know." Nea said.
"Everyone shut up! I have an idea." Luck shouted. Magna and Nea looked at each other and looked back at Luck. He walked behind them to the end of the carpet and small ounces of lightning started to surround him. He put his legs up horizontally and grabbed the carpet at it's edge. A small platform appeared on his feet. It multiplied growing bigger.

"True Lightning Magic: Ceranos!" They blasted off flying fast and swiftly. A trail of lightning followed the carpet's edge where Luck was holding onto. Both Nea and Magna screamed loudly. It was more like they were screeching than screaming. They eventually slowed down and a castle appeared from the distance. "Luck, don't do that ever again..." Nea said panting. "That's the first and last time I will ever agree with her." Magna said.

They arrived at their destination and floated down towards the gates of the castle. Magna and Nea got off the carpet with their wobbly legs while Luck walked confidently towards the gate. He grabbed the bars looking around the entrance trying to see if there was any way they could get in. A man popped up in front of Luck.
"You are Luck Voltia, correct me if I'm wrong?" The man said. He looked like one of the guards.
"Yes. I am. Sorry if we're a little late!" He said chuckling nervously. "You're just in time sir. Are those two guests too?" The guard asked. Luck looked over to Magna and Nea. Nea was hugging the ground while Magna was kissing the grass.
"Um... yeah?" Luck said, slowly turning his head towards the guard. "Understandable." The guard said, opening the gate.

They walked inside the castle. Their footsteps echoed as they walked across the marble floor. A dome shaped roof made with glass covered the sky leaving natural sunlight to pass through the palace. Two spiral staircases occupied the back corner of the room which was covered with a red carpet. The room next to them looked spacious enough to fit at least 50,000 people. Luck assumed it was the arena.
"Welcome, Luck! I've been expecting you." A familiar voice said. A tall figure appeared going down the stairs wearing a puffy red dress. Lady Phoenix. "Oh... you brought guests. It doesn't matter." She approached Luck and looked down at him. She smirked. "Have you eaten your breakfast yet? I assume you haven't, it's far too early for that." Lady Phoenix said.
"Actually, we haven't! Bu—"
"GOOD! We have a whole buffet for you!" Said the woman. Luck looked at Magna and Nea. They shrugged their shoulders and started following Lady Phoenix to the dinning room. The room had a long dinning table with many plates, covered with a silk tablecloth. Waiters sat them down to their seat and took out dishes. "Here we have many choices of food such as seafood, pasta, salad, chicken, pig, steak, etcetera." The waiter said bringing out each plate.
Everyone's mouth was watering from the smell. "Well, dig in! Enjoy. This might be your last meal."Lady Phoenix said quietly.

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