|{Chapter 11}|

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   For a minute, the words flowed through Luck's head.
   Again and again, the same words repeated. Suddenly, one subtle noise came out of his mouth. A single chuckle. Then another. Then a maniacal laughter overcame him.
   "Oh my god," he said, still choking on his laughter. "What are the odds of that? Meeting the person who killed my mom!"
   Magna overheard their conversation while Nea stood there, completely confused. Meanwhile, Charmy walked off to scavenge the palace for more cake. Or any other type of food, either one worked for her.
   "Luck,"  Magna shouted out concerned. "She's lying! Don't let her manipulate you like this!" Shocked, Magna's eyes widened.
   Luck, still laughing away, had tears pouring down his cheeks. They were all confused. Including Luck himself. His body was jumbled with different emotions. Was he happy, sad, angry? The others were wondering. He couldn't answer if they asked. This was all so confusing.
   Luck suddenly stopped laughing. Dead silence covered the room. He fell to his knees. He wrapped his arms tightly across his chest, and stared at the floor, ashamed. He inhaled and screamed his heart out. Anyone could hear the pain in his voice. His bottled up emotions lead up to this. The loud noise echoed across the palace.
   His eyes filled with pain, trauma, and Magic. His eyes flooded with tears, included with his lightning. He slowly stood up. His wobbly, unstable legs made it difficult to stand, and the floor beneath him began to crack.
   Lady Phoenix, pleased with the increase in his power, grinned surprised. "That's more like it! Come at me with all your strength!" She shouted out. Her eyes filled with determination.
   "Luck!" Magna shouted out. He ran towards the arena. What am I doing? I could hurt myself. He thought to himself. Though the thought lingered in his mind, his legs just kept moving.
   "Magna, if you cross the border it would count as interference," Nea shouted, trying to scream over the loud noise of the floor cracking. "The fight would be canceled! He would be disqualified if you take another step!" She grabbed his arm, trying to stop him from walking.
   "Exactly," Magna said in a serious tone. "What do you think I'm doing?" Magna looked back at her worried face and looked back at Luck. "Please," Magna started. "Let go of me." Nea slowly let go of Magna's arm. He started running towards the
arena——towards Luck.
   Luck started walking towards Lady Phoenix. Each step he took made the floor break.
   Lady Phoenix, still smiling, shivered. Luck's expression was horrifying. He looked dead inside. Pure anger.
   "Luck, wait!" Magna shouted out. His foot crossed the red line of the arena. He then heard a whistle in back. It was the referee. "Interference! Stop the fight!" Relieved, Magna sighed. The referee blew the whistle once again.
   Luck didn't stop.
   Lady Phoenix started walking towards Luck. "Bring it on, lightning boy!" She sprinted straight towards him. But suddenly, no one was there. Once she realized, she slowed down. Basically walking in confusion. She then stopped. Her neck tingled and strands of her hair started floating. Then she realized. Luck appeared right behind her, aiming for her neck. She jumped forward. She looked back where Luck was. Still no one. Luck was then on top of her. She once again jumped back. Luck appeared there too. They then stopped. Both breathing heavily, looked awfully exhausted.
   "Luck!" Magna shouted out. "The referee stopped the fight! You have to stop!"
   Luck gritted his teeth and sped towards Lady Phoenix. He used the same technique as before. Magna ran towards Luck, entering the arena. He stood there about to give up.
Luck flew directly towards Lady Phoenix. His eyes focused on her. He didn't care what was happening around him, all he was thinking about was to kill that lady.
Kill her.
The voice inside him echoed.
Then, Magna appeared right in front of him. Luck realized, but his body wouldn't stop—his body couldn't stop. He was speeding towards him too fast.
Why couldn't i react faster? Luck thought.
He hit Magna at full speed. Luck's head hit Magna's stomach, causing him to cough up blood. They both hit a wall at the opposite side of the arena—well, Magna did. Magna's body cushioned Luck as they were about to hit the wall.
Luck woke up to someone running towards them. Luck rubbed his eyes so he could so clearer. It was Nea.
"Luck! Magna," She said frantically. "Oh my god..." She gasped while covering her mouth. She was looking at Magna.
Luck hadn't realized, his head was lying on Magna's lap. He looked up to see blood pouring down Magna's head, and his mouth. Luck's eyes widened. "Magna," He said in a scrawny voice. Luck's vision became blurry as he looked back at Nea. She was screaming. But he couldn't understand what she was saying. Luck couldn't focus.
I'm a little tired, Luck thought. Then all he could see was darkness.

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