|{Chapter 7}|

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|{ The Telsa Bakery }|

"Thanks again Finral!" Luck said with a bright smile.
He skipped away humming a tune. "C'mon Magna!" He grabbed Magna's hand and dragged him away.

"Sorry Finral..." Magna said scratching his head.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Just call me when you need to get back." Finral said in a tired voice. He was annoyed from how many portals he had to open. "This was the sixth time today Luck. That's a new record. Good job." He sighed and entered his portal.

"Yay!~ Did you hear that Magna? New record!" Luck said happily. "I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing." Magna said in a muffled voice. "Ah! We're at the town!"
Luck ran towards the entrance of his hometown.
"Welcome to Yvon, Magna!" He said in a cheerful voice with his arms spread apart. "Let me show you around!" Luck continued, and pushed Magna towards the town.
The place was packed with people scurrying around. Kids running around with silky dresses, carrying toy dolls. You could easily tell this town was filled with royals. While walking, they could only see little groups of commoners blending in within the royals.

"Hey Luck, why are the other commoners grouped up together?" "Well, that's obvious. Usually, us commoners are attacked by royals all the time. Especially in the town. Once, a bunch of kids attacked me. But then I knocked them out. They were hit in the head so hard, they forgot who attacked them. But anyways we don't talk about that, let's move on." Luck said as a reply. Magna had to process all of that before Luck moved on. Luck always talks too fast when he gets invested talking about a story. "But royals never attacked me—" Magna started.

"Oh! Perfect! The Telsa bakery! They have lots of good pudding brands there." Luck opened the door in which a tiny bell rang. Magna rushed into the bakery before the door closed.
"Mr. Telsa! It's been so long! Too long in fact!" Luck said enthusiastically. "Luck, my boy! Long time no talk! I see you've brought a friend!" The man, supposedly named Mr. Telsa, said in a Russian accent. He was a short, rotund man with bushy brown eyebrows covering his face, and a big brown mustache. He was wearing a dirty apron and baggy jeans.
"You've grown to be so tall! And I remain a 5 feet man with stubby legs..." Said the man. "Oh, Mr. Telsa! Your height doesn't matter to anyone, honestly."
"Thank you, Luck! My my, you are such a handsome young man." Luck's robe suddenly caught the eye of Mr. Telsa. "Biscuits! Is that a Magic Knight robe? My oh my! Luck, you finally became a Magic Knight, I'm so proud of you!" Mr. Telsa began to squeeze Luck hard and carried him while twirling him around the room. He stopped and looked beside him. "So that would mean that young man over there is your squad mate!" Across the room was Magna, standing there confused.

"Oh, Magna! This is Mr. Telsa. He runs the bakery and is the baker in the bakery! He bakes by the way. eheh~" Luck said in a childish tone. "Uh... Good afternoon, Mr. Telsa. It's a pleasure to meet you sir." Magna said smiling awkwardly. "No need to be so formal dear." The baker said, shaking Magna's hand gripping firmly. "You have a good grip sir— ouch." "It's weird isn't it? I'm small but strong!" The man said proudly. "Now, what would you boys like to eat today—?" "Uh Mr. Telsa, I thought you said you worked alone..."

Suddenly, a familiar voice was heard. That faint voice grew louder and louder until someone finally burst through the door. "Dad, you said we had to make only three blueberry muffins. Not 7!" The girl said, apparently talking to Mr. Telsa.
"Ah! I don't think you guys have met this fine young lady here yet! This is my daughter—"


Author's Comment
Hey guys. Yes, I'm alive. I just didn't know what to write- but anyways here's chapter 7 for ya. No angst YET. But maybe a little angst next chapter 😏

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