Chapter Three

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-Alicia's POV-

Getting up rather early the next morning and stretched my back, hearing some good pops before I got myself, tying my hair up for the day. I noticed that Glenn wasn't in the tent but figured he was out talking to Rick and Shane. I walked out of my tent, greeting Carol on my way to find Glenn. I smiled finding him and giggled softly, seeing that he had a sad pout on his face. I walked to him, wrapping my arms around his back from behind, "What's wrong, Jagiya?" I asked, using my little nickname for him. He just sighed, "The vultures are taking apart my sports cars. I'm disappointed." He said in a pout, making me giggle. I shook my head, "I'm sure we'll get you a new one." I said, looking at him as I pulled away.

I noticed that Rick came to stand by us. I waved, "Good morning." I said brightly. Rick chuckled, placing his hand out for me to shake. I took his hand, gently shaking it. "I'm Alicia. People call me Alice.. or rather they used to anyway." I said with a smile. "Ah, so you're the girl that Glenn so desperately wanted to get home to yesterday." He said, teasing his friend. I noticed Glenn start blushing. "Awww Jaya, you talk about me?" I asked, teasing him which made him tickle me. I giggle and hide behind him. Glenn smiled before looking back at the car. He pouted again, "Look at them. Vultures." He said. "Go on, strip it clean." He added, making me giggle at his petty tone. "Generators need every drop of fuel they can get. Got no power without it. Sorry, Glenn." Dale said, patting Glenn on the shoulder and walking away.

"I thought I could drive it a few more days. Show Lissie how cool it is." Glenn said, his voice low. I just smiled, "I don't like fast cars, Glenn." I said, kissing his cheek gently. "Maybe we'll steal another one someday," Rick said, patting Glenn's back before leaving. I stood in front of Glenn and gently grabbed his face, "It's okay. At least it is coming useful." I said, trying to be optimistic about it all. He sighed and kissed my forehead, "Stop being optimistic. That's my job." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Then step up otherwise I'll take your spot," I said teasing him. I kissed his nose gently before moving on to help set up for breakfast. I was only doing it for a few minutes when I heard screams.

I look at the forest before running into the forest, after the others before stopping when Glenn pushed me back to stay with the others. I frowned slightly before looking down at the kids, hoping that they were okay before taking them back to the campsite, knowing the men had a handle on the situation. I looked up after a while, hearing the familiar sound of Daryl giving out about something. I noticed him with a lot of squirrels. At least we'd have something to eat. I thought to myself. I bit my lip hearing him call out to Merle and bit at her nail, nervous about what was going to happen.

She instinctively took steps back when Daryl threw the squirrels at Rick which ended in, Shane chokes holding Daryl. I shook my head and moved forward when I felt a hand pull me back and behind the person. I looked up at Glenn, "Don't get involved, okay? I don't want you to get hurt." He said. I just sighed, mad that he was treating me like a kid. I noticed that Shane let Daryl go and that Rick promised to bring him to Merle. I sighed softly when I heard Rick volunteer Glenn and that T-dog was also going. I couldn't help the frown forming, "Can I come?" I asked, looking at Glenn who shook his head fiercely. "You are not coming with us. I'm not risking you out there!" He said.

"I am well capable of looking after myself Glenn. Let me go with yous." I said, staring at Glenn. "No." He said. "Glenn, come on. You know I'm capable!" I said. "Capable? You get fucking scared when there are loud noises and then go into a panic attack. I am not risking it out there. You freeze up and you die. I'm not letting you die." He said, staring me down, making me break eye contact. "Glad to know how you feel about me," I mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. "Go ahead and die then," I said, louder before walking away from him, my hands balled into fists. He was going to make me out to be some fragile child just like the other women of the group. I was just as good as Glenn. Hell, I know my way in and out of Atlanta by now and I was quite fast but okay then.

I stayed away from Glenn until it was time for him to leave. I didn't bother to go and talk to him but he came to me. I felt a hand over mine and looked up, staring right into Glenn's eyes. "I'm sorry, Lissie. I know you want to come with me. Believe me, I know you're bored up here but I would rather you be safe here. I would know that no one can hurt you here. I love you too much to let you die on me." He whispered, making me melt at his words. I hated that I could never stay mad at him for long. I just sighed, "I just.. wanted to get out of the camp for a while. I want you to see me as a person, not as a fragile woman." I said.

Glenn just nodded, "Just do this for me, Lissie. I'll feel better knowing you're here and that Shane, James and Morales can take care of you all." He said. "Promise me you'll stay at camp." I just took a deep breath and nodded, "Fine. Fine. Next time, I'm coming through." I said. Glenn chuckled, "And I wouldn't have it any other way. Just this time, it's more of a rescue mission more than a run." He said, kissing my lips softly. I couldn't help the smile on my face, "Make sure you come back though." I said. "I promise." He responded before hearing the beep from the horn of the van. He chuckled, "Better get going." He said before pecking my lips one last time. I followed, watching the van leave, having a terrible feeling about what's to come.

Born To Run -Glenn Rhee Love Fanfiction-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora