season 11 episode 1

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Yn: okay im done planning 

Ondre: so how the plan going are me and tony confronting him here let me prepare 

Yn: oh um actually ondre  umm me tayler nick charli josh and nessa are doing the confronting 

Tayler: are you sure about this babe 

Charli: why us 

Yn: because its obvouis we went to school together 

Tony: but what about the rest of us 

Yn: the rest of you i want you to come with me to help find clues to see if he cheated or not 

Conner: seriosly we are we are so good at confronting 

Quinton: we are always doing it 

Kelianne: guys please she knows her ex best 

we all headed back to the audition centre and snuck our way it 

Yn: now we can all split up into two or threes and just look for clues if you hear anything hide and and be quiet 

Everyone: sounds good 

Yn: me tayler charli josh nessa and nick will be inside avanis  house 

Tayler: if you find anything take a pic and send it to the group message 

Everyone: got it 

Charli: just be careful guys dont make it obvouis 

Nick: be as quite as mice 

Josh: good one nick 

they both laughed and highfived 

Nessa: boys shhh 

Calvin: are you sure about this yn we  cant do this  we will put you at danger 

I hugged calvin and he picked me up in the hug 

Yn: im sure ive know how to deal with him and avani by now 

Patrick: please any of you call any of us if you get hurt

I hugged patrick 

Yn: we will dont worry 

Micheal : we cant let you go we all have to stay together 

I hugged micheal 

Yn: trust me micheal you can we will be safe 

Conner: do you promise to stay together 

i hugged conner 

Yn: at all times i promise 

Nate: please be careful guys we heard all about what payton can do to people  

Kelianne: dont leave each others sides your in this together 

Jack: go show them who the real winners are 

Yn: we love the posituve  energy 

James: go and show them that you and charli are worth this win 

Larray: go get them bad bs 

Thomas : be careful guys 

Mia: you got this 

Alex: go and show them who rules this competition 

Kouvr: good luck guys 

Dixie: stay by each other 

Addison: dont leave each other okay good luck 

Chase: you got this 

Ryland: you can do it 

I hugged everyone tony and ondre where last and i gave them the biggest hugges ever

Tony: be careful sis please call one of us if anything happens 

Yn: i will i promise 

I started to cry 

Ondre: aww sis your going to set us all off what are you crying at 

Yn: i dont want thes hugs the be the last ones ever 

Everyone: they wouldnt 

Sway boys : be careful 

we all grouped hugged and then we split off 

Me charli nick tayler josh and nessa headed off to avanis house while the rest stayed behind and looked for clues 

we arrived at the house stood outside 

Charli: whos knockeing 

Yn: i will 

Tayler : ill come behind you 

we all walked to the door and knocked 

Avani : what are you guys doing here 

Yn: we came to congrate you on your win 

Charli: your dance was amazing avani 

Avani: you really think so thank you 

Tayler: the song was amazing best song ever 

Payton: wow thank you i wrote it myself 

Josh: it was amazing 

Payton: wow your all being so kid today come in 

and we walked inside 

Avani: anyone want a cookie we just finished making them 

Nick: oh thats too kind sure why not 

and avani and payton walked into the kichen 

We all looked at each other and whispered 

Tayler : i cant belive they fell for it 

Yn: i know it was so good 

Charli: what do we do about the cookies 

Yn: oh um i didnt think about that 

Nick: why dont we just pretend to eat them and when they look away put them  in our pockets 

Josh: thats a great idea 

Nessa: i would of never thought of that 

They came back and put the cookie on the table we all grabbed one and when they looked away we put them in our pockets 

In the audition centre 

Nates pov 

the team where all split up looking for clues when me  and kelianne found something

Nate: guys me and keilanne found something    
Everyone ran over to us and we explored the clue ...

Sorry its shorter than normal but yesterday was a stressful day . I went back to school and had to get my covid test done

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