season 2 episode 2

740 8 9

Next morning tony wakes you all up really early 

Tony: guys its time to get up 

You all wake up and rub your eyes 

You: tony what are you doing let us sleep 

Nick: what's going on 

Charli: why are we awake so early 

Tony: omg what time did you guys go to sleep last night

You: around 5 am 

Tony: oh my gosh guys your all going to be so tired today you all need to get up and have breakfast before ondre finds you nick 

Nick: oh yea i forgot 

Tony: what do you all want 

Nick: nah its fine tony my mum said she will make my breakfast for me 

You look over at tony 

You: can i 

Tony: of course you can 

You kiss nicks cheek and then he holds your chin and kiss you on the lips

Charli: How are you with this tony 

Tony: i mean im a bit concerned you know being her brother but if she wants to fall in love she can but if he breaks her heart hes had it 

Charli laughs 

Charli: aww how cute 

You finish the kiss to see tony and charli laughing at you 

You: what 

Charli: you guys are just so cute 

You: like you 

Tony hears ondre in his room 

In ondres room 

Ondre: morning beautiful 

Dixie: good morning how did you sleep 

Ondre: good how about you 

Dixie: amazing

Ondre gets out of bed and head to the bathroom 

Dixie: baby i want cuddles 

Ondre: ill be back just going checking on yn 

Dixie: ok ill stay here the bed is all warm 

Ondre laughs 

Back in your room 

Tony: guys that's ondre 

You: nick you better go now he will be so mad if he finds out your here 

You nick and charli run downstairs you all hug nick and he runs out the gate you run back inside and up to your room and tony isnt there 

You: tony where are you are you trying to scare me again because if so im going home 

Charli: where is he 

Ondre: oh hey girls i heard you over talking about tony hes downstairs he made us all breakfast and he wants us all ready and dressed 

You: oh ok good morning 

Ondre: good morning how did you girls sleep

Charli: umm good thank what about you 

Ondre: great well i see you downstairs 

You: love you 

Ondre: love you more 

You and Charli pick out outfits and head downstairs this is the outfit you wear 

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