season 2 episode 5

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You've have just come back from nicks house thinking about ending the relationship when you go to put the pin in to see .. 

end of recap 

Tony sat at the gate crying his eyes out on his phone on tiktok watching your tiktoks tears falling on his phone before wiping them off with his sleeve 

You go round the corner to hear what's going on but also so your hidden 

You hear him say this 

Tony: oh baby sis I wish you would come back I cant believe I've lost you I feel like this is all my fault for not protecting you I'm sorry sis or as I used to call you sissy I love you unconditionally  please come back and I promise I will protect you with all of my heart 

He continues to cry 

You start to cry to this then you see him looking through your insta and tiktok then he looks through the messages between you both 

Tonys pov 

I went on my contacts and opened yns 

Baby sissy 👑💘💘

Then as I read the messages I continued to cry 

The messages 

 Baby sissy 👑💘💘: bro I need your help xx

Me: what is it princess xx

Baby sissy 👑💘💘: can you help me with my homework its really hard xx

Me: of course I can ill be right up xx 


Me: hey werdio you coming out with me and Ondre xx

Baby sissy 👑💘💘: Hey stupid yea sure do I need my coat xx

Me: yea werdio xx 

Baby sissy 👑💘💘: Ok stupid ill be down in about 5 minutes love you stupid xx

Me: love you more werdio lol xx

Baby sissy 👑💘💘: lol

I cried more knowing that my little sis was gone 

I continued to cry until I heard the gate open i wiped my tears away straight away and jumped up and it was yn 

Your pov 

I had to go back inside I could clearly see tony was in pain I hated seeing him like this and I always knew how to cheer him up I opened the foot gate and walked inside as soon as tony heard the gate he wiped his tears away and jumped up

Tony: sis your back 

He ran over to me and hugged me I hugged him back 

Tony: I thought you was gone forever 

You: oh no don't worry I'm  back have you been crying 

Tony: well yea I thought I lost you all to his actions 

You: aww Antonio Levi Lopez your going to make me cry 

Tony: call me tony 

You: tony then your going to make me cry 

Tony: YN MN Lopez your going to make me cry 

You: I did though 

You both laugh

You: I would prefer yn through I hate my full name you know that it scares me 

Tony just laughs 

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