Season 4 episode 3

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You: i ... 

Nick: dont say a word 

I gulped again 

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs 

He pushed me in the room and shut the door and locked it 

Nick: so 

I felt tears ready to come out my eyes 

Nick: what are you doing here are you crazy coming to MY HOUSE at 3am 

You: nick i had to appogise for what i did i couldnt help my self 

i started to cry 

You: i couldnt witness you like that getting hurt by my brother i was doing it for your own good and your not accepting it im trying to help you and your hating me for it 

Nick: because you didnt know how much i loved you and know you come along and broke my heart i was planning my whole life with you getting married having children and dyeing with you but no you came along and broke that 

You: wow what a creep thinking about having kids at your age oh please you wouldnt be the father of my kids i wouldnt dare think of that you as a father worst father in the world

Nick: you would be such a horrible mother you claiming id be a horrible father you wouldnt even be able to babysit a kid let alone raise one of your own 

You: wow nick 

Nick: is that all can say 

You: i thought you was a different person but now youve changed im leaving 

Nick : good never come back here again 

You: Oh i wouldnt and here have your stupid key back i dont need it anymore 

I threw the key at him it hit his glasses and scratched them 

You: and also 

I took his old hoddie off luckily i had a crop top on underneath 

You: i dont need this anymore 

Nick: well i dont want it 

i threw it at him 

Nick: maybe avani was right you are like your brothers pointless and useless at least your brothers worked for this you just receive and not give back thats called being spoit 

I threw the rest of the stuff he gave me when we were dating like the post it notes  finally i reached in the bag and grabbed his colgne i held up high 

Nick: no yn dont thats my grandfathers 

You: then why do you have it 

Nick: it was a present from before he passed 

You: well i sure he wouldnt mind if it accidentally got broken would he 

Nick: give that back 

You: why would you care hes dead 

Nick: so it reminds me of him 

You: so what hes not here to smell you wearing it is he so why keep it 

Nick: yn this is crossing the line just please feel free to rip the hoddie throw the notes away just please let me keep the cologne

You: come with me  

i grabbed his hand and pulled him  to his bathroom 

Nick : why are we here 

You: just to chat 

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