season 12 episode 9

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Liv knocked on the door and jaden and bryce both answered the door in there underwear and shirtless 

Liv put her hands over her eyes and noah put his hands on her hands 

Yn: umm boys might want to get changed 

Bryce: oh yea opps give us a sec 

They closed the door and after a few minutes they reopened the door 

Yn: better 

Jaden: yea we 

Noah yn jaden and bryce: forgot we wasnt in a house of boys 

we all laughed 

Liv: can i take my hands off my eyes now 

Jaden: of course sorry kiddo 

She moved her hands 

Liv: bryce jaden 

she ran to them they went to her size and hugged her 

Bryce: hey kiddo 

he picked her up and tiggled her 

Jaden: i see someone feels better this morning 

Liv: whole lot better 

Noah: you boys ready 

Bryce: yea i guess 

Jaden: yep 

We walked to blakes and nicks room next 

jaden and bryce held her hands and swung her up and down 

when bryce said 

Bryce: hey lovebirds theres a kid here 

they looked down at our hands and so did we and we laughed 

Once we arrived jaden picked her up and she knocked 

Jaden: good job kiddo 

they fist pumped and he put her down 

Blake: hey 

Nick: early isnt it 

Yn: well obviously its playlist who  doesnt want to miss it 

Liv: blake nick 

blake and nick: liv

she ran to them and they picked her up and hugged her 

Nick: so you feeling better 

Liv: alot better 

Blake: yay we can have lots of fun today right 

Liv: yay 

Bryce: come on boys lets let the love bird walk behind 

Blake: lovebirds wait yn and noah i knew it 

Yn: whatever 

All the boys picked liv up and carried her 

Liv: im a queen 

Next was nessa and joshs room this time i knocked on the door and nessa answered 

Nessa: hey oh my god girly you are looking incredible 

Yn: thanks boo your look amazing too 

Nessa: wait what i thought charli was your boo 

Yn: oh force of habit but you can be 

Nessa: no thats charlis miss renagde can keep it ill have same size twin 

Yn: true but your still my boo 

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