season 6 episode 3

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She was just emotionless 

she had her head down in sadness and she was with 

Ondre Tony Chase and Ryland 

Non of us knew what to say 

Tony: okay sis have fun 

Ondre: be good try please for us 

She nodded her head 

Chase and ryland: have fun 

They hugged her 

Chase: we will be in the car boys 

Tony: here catch

Tony: look it was a joke 

Ondre: come on brighten up 

He tried to lift her head up but she put it back down

Josh: here ondre take my room key and you can have some time alone with her

Ondre: okay 

Ondreaz pov 

We wnet into joshs room 

Yn sat down on the bottom bunk of nicks bed 

Tony: come on tell us whats wrong 

She shook her head 

Ondre: is it our fault 

She shook her head no 

Tony: then whats wrong 

Yn: i want to go home 

She wispered 

Ondre: you what 

Yn: i want to go home 

Tony: why 

Yn: its too stressful here

Ondre: sis you cant go home 

Yn: why 

Tony: well i dont know if you remember because you was a little baby but mom and dad used to argue all the time 

Ondre: but once xavier moved out it got worse but we always made sure you didnt hear we didnt want you to get upset 

Tony: and when we moved out we made mom and dad promise us they wouldnt argue infront of you and your friends 

Yn: wait really 

Ondre: you see mom and dad got a divorce ages ago but they have lied to you lied being in love infront of you trying not to scare you 

Yn: oh 

Tony: so now dad has moved out and moms got the house to her self but she doesnt have much money shes really upset about it we dont want you to be upset with mom xavier is there to help 

Yn: what did you guys do to help 

Ondre: we sent over some money for her to keep her self safe and happy 

Yn: i need to do something im her only daughter i need her to know i care 

Tony: she know you care 

Yn: but i need to prove it in person 

Ondre: no your not going

Yn: but 

Tony: no buts 

Yn: ughh get out go now 

And she stormed out the room 

Tony: come on bro 

Ondre: where we going i think we done enough 

Tony: home we cant do anything else its just reality 

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