season 12 episode 2

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we had to go back to the hospial the next day to check on how she was . She was in the middle of a check and i was in a room charli nick josh and nessa came with me we were sat in the room all chatting when a nurse came in 

Yn: is she okay 

Nurse: she is great but i here to tell you you have a visitor 

Yn: oh okay bring them in 

Nurse: ill go get them for you 

Thats when tayler appeared in the door way 

He looked really upset we all looked at each other 

He started walking over to me 

Tayler : yn how did it go 

He went to hug me and so did i when 

i heard 

Nick: go away tayler no body wants you here

Tayler : but guys please 

Josh: hes got a point shes been here for a few days and you didnt care 

Nessa: pathetic  

Charli: she doesnt want to see you today 

Tayler: please guys i can expain 

Everyone: go 

He turned around 

Yn: wait tayler stop 

Charli: are you crazy 

Josh: omg 

Nessa: seriously 

Nick: we are here for you i give up 

Yn: let him speak 

I symbolised for him to come over and hugged him 

Yn: everyone deserves a second chance but that doesnt mean we are dating we are just friends now lets just be happy we are all her together and be like the friends in high school without payton 

Charli: i mean i guess 

Nick: that would be nice 

Josh : i preferred it like that 

Nessa: they were the good times 

Yn: exactly 

Tayler : i agree 

Yn: everyone agree on 3

We put all our hands on top of each other and counted down at 1  we all shouted 

*agreement case closed* 

then we all laughed 

Tayler : so your all giving me a second chance 

Yn: of course i am 

Charli: yea yn right we all deserve a chance to do something again

He laughed at that 

Nick: do you mean we all deserve a second chance babe 

Josh: wait so you too are dating now 

Nessa: yay nick got his wish 

Josh: tayler are you still fighting for Charli

Tayler :you know what you know Charli  I love you and I respect you and I admit  nick is the one for you I will no longer fight for you

Nick: really dude

Tayler:yea bro

Nick got up and hugged him

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