season 1 episode 7

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its finally the day your leaving for la for summer break 

You put on your favourite bands on Spotify and jam out then you start to get ready 

You are making your bed when you get a message of Ondre btw its 9:30 am 

You: I wonder what he is doing up at this time anyway what does he want 

You check your phone 

Brother 2 : hi sis hope your awake and okay we cant wait to see you today what time are you arriving do you think xx

You: hi bro yea I'm awake and I'm good neither can I. I'm just getting ready now so ill finish making my bed get ready I'm all packed and stuff ill probably arrive around 12 or 1 pm xx 

 I'm just getting ready now so ill finish making my bed get ready I'm all packed and stuff ill probably arrive around 12 or 1 pm xx 

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You finish getting ready and your parents drop you off at the airport 

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You finish getting ready and your parents drop you off at the airport 

You all get out the car 

You stand to your back to the car 

Mom: we are going to miss you so much sweetie 

You: I'm going to miss you guys more 

Dad: I'm sure Xavier will miss you too 

You: but what if he doesn't care what if he hates me for going to la without him 

Someone comes up behind you and puts there hands on your shoulders 

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